The Carnelian Throne
The Carnelian Throne is a 1979 fantasy novel by Janet Morris. Published by Bantam Books, it is the fourth and final title of the Silistra series.
| Science fiction novels | |
| Heroes in Hell | |
| Fiction | |
| Historical fantasy | |
| Short fiction |
- Raising the Green Lion
- Vashanka's Minion
- A Man and His God
- An End to Dreaming
- Wizard Weather
- High Moon
- Basileus
- Hero's Welcome
- Graveyard Shift
- To Reign in Hell
- Power Play
- Pillar of Fire
- Gilgamesh Redux
- Sea of Stiffs
- The Nature of Hell
- The Best of the Achaeans
- The Collaborator
- [...] is Hell
- Moving Day
- Sea Change
| Nonfiction work |
- Nonlethality: A Global Strategy
- Weapons of Mass Protection
- The American Warrior