The Ancient Future Trilogy

The Ancient Future Trilogy is a set of fantasy novels by Traci Harding. The story follows a 20th-century Australian woman who is transported to 6th century Wales in an attempt to change the future. Major themes within the series include time travel, martial arts, magic and Psychic Phenomena. The three novels in the series are The Ancient Future: The Dark Ages, An Echo In Time: Atlantis and Masters of Reality: The Gathering.

The Ancient Future: The Dark Ages

The Ancient Future: The Dark Ages was Traci Harding's first published novel. It was inspired by a trip to the United Kingdom, during which the author experienced light phenomenon that are described in the novel as 'fairy lights'. The novel's main character Tory Alexander is unknowingly transported from the present day to 6th century Wales in an attempt to change the future.

An Echo In Time: Atlantis

An Echo In Time: Atlantis is the second novel in the Ancient Future trilogy. Tory Alexander has ruled as a queen in 6th century Britain for twenty years. When her husband becomes ill, she travels through time in order to find a cure. However the cure can only be found in the most ancient of cities and the grandest of civilizations: Atlantis!

Masters of Reality: The Gathering

Masters of Reality: The Gathering is the final novel in the Ancient Future trilogy. Moving away from planetary concerns Maelgwn and Tory find themselves reunited in the depths of space.


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