The Amazing Race en Discovery Channel 2

The Amazing Race
en Discovery Channel
Season run 26 September 2010
19 December 2010
Filming dates 19 May 2010
18 June 2010
No. of episodes 13
Winning team Mauricio & Carlos Coarasa
Continents visited 2
Countries visited 8
Cities visited 15
Distance traveled 17,700 kilometres (11,000 mi)
No. of legs 12
Season Chronology
season 1 ◄ Chronology ► season 3

The Amazing Race en Discovery Channel is a Latin American version of the American reality television show The Amazing Race.[1] The second season featured eleven teams of two, with a pre-existing relationship, in a race across Latin America to win US$250,000.[2]

The second season premiered on Sunday 26 September 2010 at 11.00 p.m (UTC−3).[3][4]

This was the final season to be aired in Discovery Channel Latin America.

Mexican brothers Mauricio and Carlos Coarasa are the winners of the race.


Development and Filming

The race's Starting Line was at the Templo del Jaguar in the Tikal National Park, Guatemala.

Discovery Channel greenlit the second installment on November 2009. Race locations were scouted in January 2010 and filming took place between May and June 2010.[1][2] The show was to be broadcast in high-definition television.

Filming for the second season of The Amazing Race en Discovery Channel lasted for 25 days and covered nearly 17,700 km (11,000 mi). The second season spanned eight countries in two continents. Among them, 4 were unvisited countries, including Bolivia, Guatemala, Ecuador and Venezuela. Previously visited countries were Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. Colombia was also a previously visited country never visited in the original American version.[2][3]

The route markers in this season were coloured blue and black, including the clue envelopes and the Pit Stop.

None of the eliminated teams were present at the Finish Line.


Applications were accepted from 13 December 2009 and finished on 8 February 2010. Semi-finalist interviews were held sometime in March 2010 and the final casting interviews took place around April 2010.[1]


According to Discovery's official website, the four official sponsors of the second season of The Amazing Race en Discovery Channel were Bridgestone, Samsung, Visa and Wii Party. The sponsors played a major role in the series by providing prizes and integrating their products into various tasks.


The following teams participated in the Race, with their relationships at the time of filming. Note that this table is not necessarily reflective of all content broadcast on television due to inclusion or exclusion of some data. Placements are listed in finishing order:

Team Relationship Position (by leg) Roadblocks performed5
1 2 3 4+ 5 6 7 8 9 <10> 11 1214
Mexico Mauricio & Carlos Brothers 3rd 1st 3rd6 2nd 1st 4th 4th11 3rd12 2nd 2nd 1st 2nd 1st Mauricio 6, Carlos 6
Mexico Toño & Lili Married 6th 2nd 1st 3rd 2nd 2nd 3rd 1st 1st 1st 2nd 1st 2nd Toño 5, Lili 58
Argentina Aleandra & Marlene Friends 8th1 5th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 5th 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd Aleandra 5, Marlene 6
Brazil Guilherme & Vinícius Childhood Friends 7th1 7th 6th 5th 3rd 5th 6th 2nd 5th 4th 4th Guilherme 6, Vinícius 4
Colombia Esteban & Marisol Married 9th2 8th 5th7 4th 6th10 3rd 2nd 4th 4th 5th Esteban 4, Marisol 28
Colombia Marietta & José Dating 4th 9th 9th 8th 5th 6th 5th 6th 6th13 Marietta 4, José 4
Mexico Edison & Edison Father/Son 5th 3rd 2nd 1st 4th 1stƒ 1st 7th12 Edison J. 4, Edison M. 18
Dominican Republic Jelkin & Javier Engaged 1st 6th 8th 6th 8th 8th Jelkin 3, Javier 2
Venezuela Roger & Omar Friends 2nd 4th 4th 9th9 Roger 2, Omar 1
Chile Mauricio & Mariana Siblings 11th 10th 10th Mauricio 1, Mariana 1
Peru Susy & Stefany Mother/Daughter 10th3 11th4 Susy 1, Stefany 0
  1. ^a b Guilherme & Vinícius and Aleandra & Marlene arrived 2nd and 5th respectively, but received a 30-minute penalty because they completed the Roadblock together, dropping their placement to 7th and 8th respectively.
  2. ^ Esteban & Marisol arrived 7th, but received a 30-minute penalty because they read the clue before choosing the team member that was going to perform the Roadblock. 2 teams (Guilherme & Vinícius and Aleandra & Marlene) checked in during the penalty sequence, dropping Esteban & Marisol to 9th.
  3. ^ Susy & Stefany arrived 10th, but received a 15-minute penalty because Susy read the clue without Stefany after completing the Roadblock. This did not affect their placement.
  4. ^ Susy & Stefany arrived 10th, but received a 2-hour penalty for failing to complete an additional task (The church task) that set out for them. During this time, Mauricio & Mariana, the only team trailing Susy & Stefany at that point were able to check in, resulting Susy & Stefany eliminated before the 2 hour penalty had elapsed.
  5. ^ The Roadblock count does not include the results of any unaired Roadblocks.
  6. ^ Mauricio & Carlos arrived 1st, but received a 30-minute penalty because they broke a rule during an additional task, 2 teams (Toño & Lili and Edison & Edison) checked in during the penalty phase, dropping their placement to 3rd.
  7. ^ Esteban & Marisol arrived 5th, but received a 30-minute penalty because they did not complete an additional task together. This did not affect their placement.
  8. ^a b c It is unknown which team member completed the Roadblock in Leg 1 (All Teams marked) or 3 (Only Esteban & Marisol).
  9. ^ Roger & Omar arrived 7th, but received a 4-hour penalty because they broke a race rule by trying to call someone outside of the production crew, which is strictly prohibited as of the rules. Aleandra & Marlene and Marietta & José checked in during the penalty time, felling Roger & Omar placement to last and were eliminated before the 4 hour penalty had elapsed.
  10. ^ Esteban & Marisol arrived 4th, but received a 30-minute penalty as Esteban helped Marisol in the Roadblock. 2 teams (Edison & Edison and Marietta & José) Checked in during the penalty phase, dropping them to 6th.
  11. ^ Mauricio & Carlos departed in 6th place from the airport in Manaus, because one of the team members lost his passport and required to get a new one.
  12. ^a b Mauricio & Carlos, initially arrived 3rd were received a 30-minute penalty as they took a taxi instead of traveling by bonde as instructed in their clue, Mauricio & Carlos placement did not effect and while Edison & Edison checked in 5th with the same penalty, the last 2 teams checked in at that time, dropping to last, which resulted them eliminated.
  13. ^ José & Marietta did not complete the Detour. Already in last place, they were allowed to check into the pit stop and were eliminated.
  14. ^ Leg 12 was a double-length leg with one Detour (first time) and two Roadblocks and was shown over two episodes.


The prize for each leg is awarded to the first place team for that leg.

Race summary

Route Map.
Destinations Air travel    Rail travel    Water travel    Bus travel
Route Markers Desvío (Detour)    Obstáculo (Roadblock)    Avance (Fast Forward)    Alto (Yield)
Intersección (Intersection)    Retorno (U-Turn)    Multa (Speed Bump)    Parada (Pit Stop)

Leg 1 (Guatemala)

Airdate: September 26, 2010

In Guatemala, teams have performed the Roadblock on the Chichicastenango Market.

In this Leg's Detour, teams had to choose between A tus manos (At Your Hands) and A tus pies (At your feet). In A tus manos, teams had to wash 10 kilograms (22 lb) of dirty clothes. In A tus pies, teams had to make a sawdust carpet. In this Leg's Roadblock, one team member had to search for a couple dressed in traditional costumes similar to the ones on the provided picture.

Additional tasks

Leg 2 (Guatemala → Mexico)

Airdate: October 3, 2010

Cathedral of Puebla, was the last cathedral that the teams had to visit in order to get the clue.

For their Speed Bump, Mauricio & Mariana had to make Papel picado before keep racing. In this Leg's Detour, teams had to choose between Platazos or Garrotazos. In Platazos, teams had to reveal the identity of a Mexican hero with the clue "As a child he was nicknamed as a sly and mischievous animal" (Miguel Hidalgo), then teams had to make their way to the Parián craft market, buy Talavera dishes and complete the name of the hero to receive their next clue. In Garrotazos, teams had to reveal the identity of another Mexican hero with the clue "This had a visible scar on the nose" (José María Morelos), then teams had to make their way to the artists quarter and break a Mexican Piñata, the teams had to complete the name of the Mexican hero in order to receive their next clue. The unaired Roadblock required one team member to retrieve the clue from a bowl full of Madagascar Cockroaches, the team member had to get their hands on the bowl for one minute.

Additional tasks

Leg 3 (Mexico)

Airdate: October 10, 2010

Teams visited San Juan de Ulúa in this leg of the race.

In this Leg's Roadblock, one team member have to dance with a partner of the square to find that had the same number as provided to each team in their clue to receive their next clue. Teams had to purchase using a Visa card, for a traditional dance costume. In this Leg's Detour, teams had to choose between Corazón contento (Happy Heart) and Árido e intrépido (Arid and Fearless). In Corazón contento, teams have to eat 14 spicy toasted chili peppers. In Árido e intrépido, teams had to take sandboarding in the dunes on a beach without falling off.

Additional tasks

Leg 4 (Mexico → Colombia)

Airdate: October 17, 2010

Villa de Leyva's main square was the Pit Stop for this leg of the race.

In this Leg's Roadblock, one team member had to make a clay pot in order to receive their next clue. In this Leg's Detour, teams had to choose between Arrear (Herd) and Buscar (Search). In Arrear, teams had to herd three ostriches from one corral to another without touching or scaring them to receive their next clue. In Buscar, teams had to search for two ostrich eggs painted with the same colour to receive their next clue. In this Leg's Intersection, one team had to play Volleyball against another team in a 5-point match. The winning team got their next clue and the losing team had to wait for another couple to arrive to play against them. The final losing team had to wait 15 minutes after the previous winning team left before they were given their next clue.

Additional tasks

Leg 5 (Colombia)

Airdate: October 24, 2010

In Medellín, teams had complete the task that needs to collect resources in relation to Fernando Botero (pictured).

In this Leg's Roadblock, one team member to create a flower of chairs, and then walk to San Pedro Cemetery to place it in the honor of Carlos Gardel's grave to get their next clue. In this Leg's Detour, teams had to choose between Etiquetar (Label) and Voltear (Flip). In Etiquetar, teams have to label 100 T-Shirts with a clue on it. In Voltear, teams had to turn 150 trouser pockets to see their next clue.

Additional tasks

Leg 6 (Colombia → Venezuela)

Airdate: October 31, 2010

Mayupa in Canaima National Park was the Pit Stop for this leg of the race.

In this Leg's Detour, teams had to choose between Salto (Jumping) and Pataleo (Kicking). In Salto, teams must jump from a springboard that is used in synchronized swimming, while a professional diver supervises the work to receive their next clue. In Pataleo, each team must swim back and forth in relays along the Olympic swimming pool, while matching up with a table used for abdominal strengthening to receive their next clue. For their Speed Bump, Jelkin & Javier travelled to the port Ucayma on a truck, repaired a canoe, then pushed another canoe and made it float to get their next clue and continue racing. In this Leg's Fast Forward, one team had to go to Salto Hacha, to perform a Pemón ritual which involved trimming one's hair to a short length (but not completely shaven), and wearing a traditional uniform. Once the ritual was complete, the team would be awarded the Fast Forward. In this Leg's Roadblock, one team member had to eat Bachaco Ass (ants) and drink Cachiri (fermented cassava), when completely done, they would receive their next clue.

Additional tasks

Leg 7 (Venezuela → Brazil)

Airdate: November 7, 2010

While in Manaus, teams visited the Teatro Amazonas to get a clue.

In this Leg's Roadblock, one team member must move five watermelons from the wharf to Store Number Seven. In this Leg's Detour, teams had to choose between Entrenarse (Train) and Ubicarse (Located). In Entrenarse, Teams had to go through a military training course, consisting of net climbing, rope climbing, and a rappelling wall. When they completed the course, they would receive the next clue. In Ubicarse, teams had to use a compass to find specific coordinates of three flags in the jungle, which they need to exchange for the next clue.

Additional tasks

Leg 8 (Brazil)

Airdate: November 14, 2010

On top of Sugarloaf Mountain, teams used binoculars to look for a GO Visa emblem to find their next clue.

In this Leg's Speed Bump, Aleandra & Marlene had to wash, dry and stack many dishes in the Porcão Restaurant before they can continue the race upon the boss's satisfaction. During the Roadblock, one team member had to paraglide with an instructor from Pedro Bonita to São Conrado Beach, where they get their next clue from the otherside of the place. The Detour was a choice between Con Ritmo (With Rhythm) and Tocado (Headdress). In Con Ritmo, teams had to learn how to play a song on a traditional samba drum and play for five minutes without error for the next clue. In Tocado, teams had to create a costume which used for the carnival.

Additional tasks

Leg 9 (Brazil → Argentina)

Airdate: November 21, 2010

Teams visited the Arco de Córdoba (Córdoba Arch) during this leg of the Race.

During the Roadblock, one team member had to ride a horse and guide it around barrels. Finally, they would have to spear a suspended ring to complete the task. The Detour was a choice between Enjabonado (Soaping) and Pesar (Weight). In Enjabonado, teams had to chase a pig that's covered with soap and hold onto it for five seconds. In Pesar, teams had to hitch a cow to a lift and then weigh it. If they came up with the correct weight, they would receive their next clue.

Additional Tasks

Leg 10 (Argentina)

Airdate: November 28, 2010

Teams had to fill eight sacks with salt in Salinas del Bebedero.

This Leg's Detour was a choice between Esquivar (Dodge) and Bloques (Blocks). In Esquivar, teams had to get their next clue while avoiding being hit by paintball snipers. If teams were hit, they had to start again. In Bloques, teams had to figure out how to transport six concrete blocks at once using a stick, a rope and a piece of wire. In the Roadblock, one team member had to drive around the track in 3:45 minutes. If they beat the time, they receive the next clue.

Additional tasks

Leg 11 (Argentina → Bolivia)

Airdate: December 5, 2010

Lake Titicaca was the location for this Leg's Roadblock.

The Detour was a choice between Quemar (Burn) and Armar (Arm). In Quemar, teams visited the Street of Witches, and needed to purchase the items required for a shaman to build a "Good Journey Table". In Armar, teams travelled to the Museum of Musical Instruments and had to make two panpies. In the Roadblock, teams rode a traditional raft and had to collect reeds. Once they collected enough, they would receive their next clue.

Additional tasks

Leg 12 (Bolivia → Ecuador)

Airdate: December 12, 2010

Plaza Olmedo in Guayaquil was the midpoint of the race.
On the second half of the final leg, teams visited Puerto Ayora Island for the race's final Roadblock.

Airdate: December 19, 2010

In this Leg's Detour, teams chose between Restaurar (Restore) and Encontrar (Find). In Restaurar, teams had to paint a section of Barrio Las Peñas. In Encontrar, teams had to search the many names on the Monument to the Donars to find a specific name. In the first Roadblock, teams had to eat 1.5 kg of "Horse" (A type of sausage) to get the next clue.

In the final Roadblock, teams had to search within the HMS Beagle to find three passages from the Charles Darwin book The Origin of Species. If they found the book, they can exchange the book to receive the final clue.

Additional tasks


External links