The Amazing Race: China Rush 1

The Amazing Race: China Rush
(season 1)
Season run August 8, 2010
October 30, 2010[1]
Filming dates April 28, 2010
June 3, 2010
No. of episodes 12
Winning team Charlie Gale & Rachel Chen
Continents visited 1
Countries visited 1
States visited 8
Cities visited 8
No. of legs 12
Season Chronology
Chronology ► Season 2

The Amazing Race: China Rush (Chinese: 极速前进:冲刺!中国; pinyin: Jísù Qiánjìn: Chōngcì! Zhōngguó) is a Chinese reality television game show based on the American series, The Amazing Race. The first season of the show features 10 teams of two, each with a pre-existing relationship, in a race across 11 cities in China to win a world tour provided by Travelzen.[2][3] The host of the show is Allan Wu.[3][4]

The Amazing Race: China Rush premiered on Sunday, August 8, 2010 at 08:00 p.m.(UTC+8)

It is the third Asian version of the franchise. The first two were The Amazing Race Asia and HaMerotz LaMillion.

The Chinese TV network International Channel Shanghai acquired the rights to produce a version for its territories. The show was produced by Shanghai based production company Fly Films.[5] International Channel Shanghai had previously attempted to make their own version of the show entitled Shanghai Rush.

Australian and American "flirtatious friends" Charlie Gale & Rachel Chen were the winners of the race.



Applications for the first season ended April 16, 2010 (extended from the original deadline on March 29, 2010). The 10 teams call composed of expats living in China[3][4] were announced in a press release on April 27, 2010. Filming took place between April 28 and June 3, 2010.[6]

Karen is currently the first ever Canadian to be on any of the Amazing Race seasons representing Canada (Canadian citizens Tisha Silang, Natalie Glebova and Vince Chung from The Amazing Race Asia 3 were representing Philippines, Thailand and Hong Kong respectively). Rick, Joshua and Charlie are the first Australians to represent their country (similarly, Australian citizens Henry & Bernie of The Amazing Race Asia 3 represented Malaysia), Paul and Francis are the first team from an African country (Kenya), and Janis, Aleksandra (Latvia) and Sarah (England) are the first Europeans to represent their home countries (British citizens Andy Lawson, Laura Kluk, Francesca von Etzdorf and Howard Bicknell from The Amazing Race Asia 1 represented Thailand, Hong Kong and Sri Lanka respectively and Frenchwoman Aurelia Chenat of The Amazing Race Asia 2 represented Hong Kong).

Development and filming

In this version, instead of flipping an hourglass, teams that have been forced to Yield must wait until a spiral of incense has finished burning, which takes 15 minutes. This is the first race from any franchise to have three non-elimination legs in a row. The American and Asian editions have never had more than two in a row. This was also the first version to not offer any Fast Forward clues (leg 7 of season 14 had a Fast Forward clue that was not aired and no Fast Forward was shown in season 18 either).


Episode 2 which scheduled to air on August 15, 2010 was delayed to subsequent week due to National Mourning Day in China for Gansu mudslide victims.[7]


The Amazing Race: China Rush has eight official sponsors, they are CIIC, Double Tree, Hamilton, Hilton, New Balance, Organic Food, Travelzen and Shanghai International Automobile City.[8]


The following teams participated in the Race, with their relationships at the time of filming. Note this table does not necessarily reflect all content broadcast on television due to inclusion or exclusion of some data. Placements are listed in finishing order.

Team Relationship Position (by leg) Roadblocks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
AustraliaUnited States Charlie & Rachel Flirtatious Friends 1st 3rd1 2nd 1st 4th 1st 2nd 1st 5th 4th 1st 1st Charlie 6, Rachel 6
Australia Rick & Josh Best Mates 3rd 1st 1st 3rd 1st 5th 1st 3rd 2nd 1st 3rd 2nd Rick 6, Josh 6
India Deepak & Naresh Cricket Fanatics 9th 5th2 5th 4th 6th 3rd 4th 5th 4th 3rd 2nd 3rd Deepak 6, Naresh 6
CanadaUnited States Karen & Lisa Momshells 5th 8th 8th 5th> 5th 4th 5th 4th 3rd 2nd 4th Karen 6, Lisa 5
EnglandUnited States Sarah & Molly Ultra-Marathoners 4th 4th 4th 6th 3rd 2nd 3rd 2nd 1st 5th3 Sarah 53, Molly 5
United States Sean & Amy Newly Dating 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd 6th Sean 3, Amy 3
United States Bonnie & Mel Expat Wives 7th 6th 6th 7th 7th Bonnie 2, Mel 3
Latvia Janis & Aleksandra Reality TV Veterans 6th 7th 7th 8th< Janis 4, Aleksandra 0
Mexico Hector & Miguel Amigos 8th 9th 9th Hector 1, Miguel 2
Kenya Paul & Francis Maasai Warriors 10th 10th Paul 1, Francis 1
  1. ^ Charlie & Rachel originally arrived 2nd, but was given a 30 minute penalty as Charlie helped Rachel in the Roadblock. Sean & Amy checked in during the penalty time, dropping them to 3rd.
  2. ^ Deepak & Naresh originally arrived 4th, but were given a 15 minute penalty for taking a golf cart instead of walking to the pitstop. Sarah & Molly checked in during the penalty time, dropping them to 5th.
  3. ^ Sarah failed to complete the Roadblock in Leg 10. After Sarah's second failure attempt in the roadblock and all other teams had checked in, Allan came to the start of the roadblock location and eliminated them.


The prize for each leg is awarded to the first place team for that leg. All trips are sponsored by TravelZen.

Race summary

Destinations Air travel    Rail travel    Water travel    Bus travel
Route Markers Detour    Roadblock    Yield    U-Turn    Speed Bump    Pit Stop
Route Map.

Leg 1 (Shanghai → Zhejiang)

Tianyi Chamber was visited on the first leg of The Amazing Race: China Rush.

In the first Roadblock of the race, one team member had to eat a turtle, leaving nothing but the shell.

Additional tasks

Leg 2 (Zhejiang → Jiangsu)

The Lingshan "Five-signets" Palace was the second pitstop in The Amazing Race China Rush.

In the second Roadblock of the race, one team member had to match 1 brick with 1000 different bricks, matching the one which they chose. In this leg's Detour, teams chose between Warriors Strength and Warriors Skill. In Warriors Strength, that team must take a boat to an island and perform a ladder climb and rappelling from other side to receive their next clue. In Warriors Skill, that team must hit a bulleye using spears and arrows from the distance of 10m to receive their clue. For this leg's Speed Bump, Paul & Francis had to each make a clay tea cup in order to continue on the race.

Additional tasks

Leg 3 (Jiangsu)

Teams traveled to the city of Changzhou for this leg of the race.

In this leg's Detour, teams chose between Rock and Roll. In Rock, teams took a boat across a lake and climbed to the top of the climbing wall to receive their next clue. In Roll, teams located a bicycle cart with a skateboard. One team member then had to take control of the bicycle and cycle around the park to the skating park while the other rode on the skateboard. Once at the skating park, they will receive their next clue. For this leg's Roadblock, one team member had to navigate a boat through currents to the other side of the jetty, retrieve a flag and return the boat back in order to receive the next clue.

Additional tasks

Leg 4 (Jiangsu)

Teams visited Runyang Bridge in this leg of the race.

In this leg's Detour, teams chose between Blade and Brush. In Blade, one team member had to cut out the shape of Haibao, the mascot ot Expo 2010, while the other team member traced and cut out the background. In Brush, one team member had to correctly write out a specific Chinese character, while the other reproduced a painting of a bamboo grove. In this leg's Roadblock, one team member ate 1.5 kg of Yangzhou's famous fried rice in order to receive their next clue.

Additional tasks

Leg 5 (Jiangsu → Beijing)

Bird's Nest was the location for this leg Detour.

In this leg's Roadblock, one team member had to learn how to properly carve Peking Roast Duck. In this Detour, teams had to choose between Go for the Gold and Go for the Goal. In Go for the Gold, teams had to search amongst the thousands of seats in the stadium to find one of seven gold medals. In Go for the Goal, one team member would kick a penalty shot with a soccer ball and the other team member must successfully rebound it into an unguarded goal using only their head.

Additional tasks

Leg 6 (Beijing → Shandong)

Teams performed the last part of the leg on Mount Tai.

In this leg's Roadblock, one team member had to climb up the dam and make their way to a nearby pavilion to receive the next clue. In this Detour, teams had to choose between Trees or Keys. In Trees, teams had to plant a tree to receive their next clue. In Keys, teams had to use one of the keys to open a lock to receive their next clue.

Additional tasks

Leg 7 (Shandong)

Teams traveled by motorboat from the Zhanqiao Pier to the Pit Stop.

During the Pit Stop, teams traveled by train from Tai'an to Qingdao. In this leg's Roadblock, one team member had to scuba dive down the water and search for seven red letters, then they had to write down the word A-B-A-L-O-N-E to receive their next clue. In this Detour, teams had to choose between Buried Metal or Carried Metal. In Buried Metal, teams had to search a compass in the sand using a metal detector to receive their next clue. In Carried Metal, teams had to make their way to the Qingdao Beer Street, once there, they had to transport 6 full kegs from one end of the street to the other, in order to receive their next clue.

Additional tasks

Leg 8 (Shandong → Sichuan)

Chunxi street was the 8th pit stop for The Amazing Race: China Rush.

In this Detour, teams must choose between Hot Pot or Tea Pot. In Hot Pot, teams travel to the Hot Pot Restaurant. Then, teams will have to eat a family-sized serving of meat, cocoa and lettuce, which has been dipped in Sichuan's famous fiery Hot Pot soup. In addition, they will have to eat a side serving of diced red peppers. Finally, they would have to find a Face-Changer to receive their next clue. In Tea Pot, teams will travel to a historic part of the area and then, with the assistance of two tea masters, they must use ancient tea pots to properly pour tea into 7 teacups per team member. The tea pots have long spouts and are fairly difficult to use. In the Speed Bump, Karen & Lisa were required to both have their ears cleaned using traditional ear cleaning tools, which are, in essence, pieces of cotton on sticks of wire. In the Roadblock, one team member would have to search the entire 24-acre area of the Du Fu Cottage to find a scroll. No lights would be turned on, and the teams could only use a single flashlight.

Additional tasks

Leg 9 (Sichuan)

In this leg's roadblock, one member must feed some pandas.

In this leg's Roadblock, one team member would have to wash 10kg of Bamboo leaves to clean it and then bring it all to the panda feeding area. Should any of the leaves drop to the ground along the way, teams would have to start the entire task over again. In the Speed Bump, Deepak and Naresh had to learn and recite a song about Dujiangyan. In this Detour, teams had to choose between Face Detection or Face Detention. In Face Detection, teams would receive a partial picture of a child's face. They then had to find the child in the picture in one of the classrooms. They then had to take the child to the headmaster's office. In Face Detention, teams will receive a sentence written in Chinese and they must copy the sentence 50 times onto a blackboard without making any errors. Should an error be made, the entire task would have to be restarted.

Additional Task

Leg 10 (Sichuan → Yunnan)

Tengchong, Yunnan was visited during the leg of the race.

In the Roadblock, one team member had to play Wetland Golf. They would pick up a club and some Tennis Balls and hit them towards the hole. If all of the tennis balls landed in the water, they had to retrieve them and try again, but if they could get at least one to land on the island with the hole, they would receive their next clue. In the Speed Bump, Charlie & Rachel had to help a local farmer and use two Water Buffalo to plow a field. They had to complete three laps. The Detour was a choice between Fish and Float. In Fish, teams had to catch two fish in a rice paddy with their bare hands. in Float, teams will be given some bamboo and rope and must build a raft. They must then paddle it across Wild Duck Lake. If it does not sink, they will receive their next clue.

Additional Task

Leg 11 (Yunnan → Guangdong)

One of the detour task of this leg of the race is to herd Red-crowned cranes.

In the Roadblock, one team member would have to rappel down a large waterfall. They would then have to swim to a small platform with their next clue. The Detour was a choice between Crags and Cranes. In Crags, teams made their way to an ancient cave. They would find tablets with numbers and Chinese characters. The Chinese characters would translate to an island in the park that contained 500 statues. Teams would have to use the numbers to find the correct statue to find their next clue. In Cranes, teams had to find another island in the park dedicated to the protection of the Red-crowned Crane. They would then have to herd 7 cranes into a pen.

Additional Task

Leg 12 (Guangdong → Shanghai)

The Oriental Pearl Tower was the finish line of the first season of The Amazing Race: China Rush

The Roadblock was for one team member to climb to the top of a giant metal wheel to find their next clue. They must then rappel back down to the ground.

Additional tasks


  1. C21 Media. "Amazing Race Heads to China". Retrieved 2010-03-18.
  2. "Hamilton'The Amazing Race: China rush'". Retrieved 2010-04-27.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 China Rush. "The Amazing Race: China Rush". Retrieved 2010-03-18.
  4. 4.0 4.1 "Let the race begin! ‘Amazing Race: China Rush’ airs this weekend". CNN Go. 2010-08-06. Retrieved 2010-08-07.
  5. "The Amazing Race: China Rush". Urbanatomy. Retrieved 2010-08-05.
  6. "Disney and SMG collaborated on The Amazing Race: China Rush" (in Chinese). ICS. Retrieved 2010-03-18.
  7. ICS official announcement
  8. "The Amazing Race: China Rush - Sponsors & Media". China Rush. Retrieved 2010-04-12.

External links