Textile (markup language)

Textile is a lightweight markup language originally developed by Dean Allen for use in the Textpattern CMS and billed as a "humane web text generator". Textile converts its marked-up text input to valid, well-formed XHTML and also inserts character entity references for apostrophes, opening and closing single and double quotation marks, ellipses and em dashes.

Textile was originally implemented in PHP, but has been translated into other programming languages including Perl, Python, Ruby, ASP, Java and C#.

Textile is distributed under a BSD-style license and is included with, or available as a plugin for, several content-management systems.

Textile syntax examples

This is not an exhaustive listing of Textile's syntax. For a list of all available options in Textile 2, see

Bold text'Italic text=== Emphasized text ===

_emphasized_ (i.e., italics)
*strongly emphasized* (i.e., boldface)
=== Personal Strengths ===
* An item in a bulleted (unordered) list
* Another item in a bulleted list
** Second Level
** Second Level Items
*** Third level
# An item in an enumerated (ordered) list xxxxxxx
# Another item in an enumerated list yyyyyy
## Another level in an enumerated list vvvvvvvv
#8 Enumerated list, starting by number eight
# List item No. 9

Some text paragraph

#_ Continuing list item, numbered as 10
# Item 11
* This is a bullet
*# this is the start of an enumerated list within a bulleted list
*# this is another item list of an enumerated list within a bulleted list
**# this is another level of an enumerated list within a bulleted list
* This is another bullet
; Definition list term
: Definition list data item
: Another data item
- coffee := Hot _and_ black
- tea := Also hot, but a little less black
- milk := Nourishing beverage for baby cows.
Cold drink that goes great with cookies. =:


A pipe character must be at the beginning and end of every row.

|_. column name1(aaa) |_. column name2 |_. column name3 |
| laura | 111 | Cell 3 |
| Manuel | Vasquez | Cell 3 |

In this example, the "|_." sequence causes the entry to be in bold. There must be no space after the initial pipe character.


Generic example:

@your code here@

Blocks of code:

bc.. puts "This style (notice the double dot) handles blank lines."
puts "This is the second line of code."

puts "This is the fourth."

End the block with p. or with another block tag.

Or alternatively you can use this syntax for small blocks:

bc. puts "This style (notice the single dot) stops at the first blank line."
puts "This is the second line of code."

This is not code.


You must leave a blank line after each heading.

h1(#id). An HTML first-level heading

h2. An HTML second-level heading

h3. An HTML third-level heading

h4. An HTML fourth-level heading

h5. An HTML fifth-level heading

h6. An HTML sixth-level heading

bq. This text will be enclosed in an HTML blockquote element.


Text with a link to some reference[1]

fn1. Footnote explanation
Text with a link to some reference[#mylabel]


note#mylabel Explanation as an auto-numbered endnote


also: Hyperlinks

"(classname)link text(title tooltip)":link_address

Email links

 "(classname)link text(title tooltip)":mailto:someone@example.com

Italic%20text Me turn upItalic text

Formatting help table

This table summarizes the available textile markers

Textile markers
Textile Visual result
*bold text* bold text
_italic text_ italic text
*_bold italic text_* bold italic text
-strikethrough text- strikethrough text
*-bold strikethrough text-* bold strikethrough text
*_-bold italic strikethrough text-_* bold italic strikethrough text
+underlined text+ underlined text
*+bold underlined text+* bold underlined text
_+italic underlined text+_ italic underlined text
*_+bold italic underlined text+_* bold italic underlined text
*_-+bold italic strikethrough underlined text+-_* bold italic strikethrough underlined text
%{font-size:18pt}font size% font size
%{color:red}text in red% text in red
# Chapter 1
Chapter 1
* bulleted list
** 2-level
  • bulleted list
    • 2-level
|Table | with two columns |
|and two | rows |
Table with two columns
and two rows
"Link to Wikipedia":http://www.wikipedia.org Link to Wikipedia
Brand ^TM^ Brand TM
Text ~subscript~ Text subscript


Textile-js. Online demo


See also


External links