Text Verification Tool

The Text Verification Tool (TVT) is a computer-based software program for proofreading developed by the Schlafender Hase GmbH, headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany. It was originally designed to meet the needs of the global pharmaceutical industry for consistency and accuracy in product information and documentation. While most effectively used in highly regulated environments, it can be used any proofreading situation where the text and graphic contents of a finalized and layouted document should be identical with the original document, regardless of file size.[1]

Since its launch in 2003, TVT has made numerous updates and currently supports all major languages of the world, whether left to right or right to left, also including Braille, and the Korean HWP format, and is capable of comparing multiple files in different file types simultaneously. File types supported include DOC, DOCx, RTF, TXT, PDF, xHTML, XML, (SPL files required by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA and PIM files used by the European Medicines Agency (EMA).[2] Additionally, TVT supports QRD-format and the exception list of the ANSM. Since the launch of TVT 7.0 in 2014, users can also automatically compare of images and graphics between the original document and the layouted final version.[3][4][5]

How it works

TVT does not compare the words seen on the monitor but rather the unicodes that generate the words seen. It compares, for example, the original manuscript with the artwork to be printed, or any two or more documents, and indicates all deviations in text and graphic content between the compared documents. Deviations are clearly marked and include, among others, deviations in spelling, font, formatting, style, type size, order of words and paragraphs and missing text. The TVT presupposes that the original document has been checked for spelling and grammar and therefore does not include a spell-check function. Nevertheless, it offers an individually customizable key word function that allows users to verify key words that may have been overlooked during the creation of the original document. TVT uses the Adobe PDF library for processing PDF documents. Deviations and corrections can be saved as a PDF. A detailed report documents all comments and changes during the proofreading process.

Who uses it

TVT can be used effectively in any proofreading context. The accuracy of the TVT has made it particularly useful in the highly regulated global pharmaceutical context. In this context it has demonstrably saved time, increased accuracy and prevented avoidable problems that could result in health problems for patients and costly litigation for producers. In the pharmaceutical context TVT is widely considered to be the industry standard.[6] Based on the experience of the pharmaceutical context, customers working in similarly regulated environments (i.e. legal, financial reporting, chemical, health and nutrition, consumer products) have also employed TVT.


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