Tex Sample

Tex Sample in October, 2008

Tex Sample (born December 28, 1934) is a specialist in church and society, a storyteller, author, and the Robert B. and Kathleen Rogers Professor Emeritus of Church and Society at the St. Paul School of Theology, a United Methodist seminary in Kansas City, MO where he taught from 19671999. One of his specialties is working-class people and he has published four books in this field.


Born in Brookhaven, MS, Sample received a BA from Millsaps College, an MDiv and PhD from Boston University, and a DD from Coe College. A former cab driver, laborer, and oil field roustabout, he is currently a freelance speaker and consultant and lives in Goodyear, AZ. A much sought-after lecturer, storyteller, workshop leader and consultant, Tex is a contributor to many of the DVD programs in the Living the Questions series.[1] His two most recent books are Earthy Mysticism (2008) and The Future of John Wesley's Theology (2012).

His father named him after Texanna Gillham, an African-American woman who was born in slavery and helped raise his father near Center, Texas.


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