Terrorism: Opposing Viewpoints (2004)

This article is about the third edition of Terrorism: Opposing Viewpoints; for the first edition see Terrorism: Opposing Viewpoints (1986); for the second edition see Terrorism: Opposing Viewpoints (2000).

Terrorism: Opposing Viewpoints is a book, in the Opposing Viewpoints series, presenting selections of contrasting viewpoints on four central questions about terrorism: whether it is a serious threat; what causes it; how America's domestic war on it should be conducted; and how the international community should respond to it. It was edited by Laura K. Egendorf.

It was published by Greenhaven Press (Farmington Hills) in 2004 as a 204-page hardcover (ISBN 0-7377-2246-0 ISBN 0-7377-2247-9 ISBN 0-7377-2246-0) and paperback (ISBN 0-7377-2247-9).


Chapter Viewpoint Author Notes
Why Consider Opposing Viewpoints?
Chapter 1: Is Terrorism a Serious Threat? 1. Terrorism Poses a Serious Threat L. Paul Bremer III Excerpt from "A New Strategy for the New Face of Terrorism," The National Interest, Thanksgiving 2001, p. 23.
2. The Threat of Terrorism Is Being Reduced John Ashcroft "Opening remarks, Justice Department Terrorism Roundtable, Washington, D.C., 4 June 2003 .
3. Biological Terrorism Is a Serious Threat Scott Gottlieb Reprint of "Wake Up and Smell the Bio Threat," The American Enterprise, vol. 14, January/February 2003, pp. 26-27.
4. The Threat of Biological Terrorism Has Been Exaggerated Jim Walsh Reprint of "Bio-Chem Hype Spreads Like a New Form of Infectious Disease," Los Angeles Times, 5 October 2001, p. B15.
5. America Is a Serious Terrorist Threat Noam Chomsky, interviewed by David Barsamian Excerpt from "The United States Is a Leading Terrorist State," Monthly Review, vol. 53, November 2001.
6. Southeast Asian Terrorism Is a Serious Problem Llewellyn D. Howell Reprint of "The Irony of Bali Terrorism," USA Today, January 2003.
7. Narcoterrorism Is a Serious Threat Steven W. Casteel Excerpt from testimony before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, 20 May 2003.
Chapter 2: What Are the Causes of Terrorism? 1. Islam Encourages Terrorism Ibn Warraq Excerpt from "Understanding Islam and the Qur'an: A Critique of Islam and the Qur'an," American Atheist, vol. 40, Summer 2002.
2. Islam Does Not Encourage Terrorism Antony T. Sullivan Excerpt from "New Frontiers in the Ecumenical Jihad Against Terrorism: Terrorism, Jihad, and the Struggle for New Understandings," American Muslim, January/February 2003.
3. Economic Problems Cause Terrorism Vandana Shiva Reprint of "Open Markets, Closed Minds," Toward Freedom, vol. 51, Winter 2003, p. 3.
4. Economic Problems Do Not Cause Terrorism Daniel Pipes Excerpt from "God and Mammon: Does Poverty Cause Militant Islam?", National Interest, Winter 2002.
5. Israel's Occupation of Palestine Causes Terrorism Hamas Excerpt from "Hamas—In Their Own Words," 2002.
6. Palestinian Hatred of Israel Causes Terrorism Morton A. Klein Reprint of "Hatred of Israel, Not Poverty, Causes Arab Terrorism," Zionist Organization of America, 6 February 2002.
Chapter 3: How Should America's Domestic War on Terrorism Be Conducted? 1. Antiterrorism Legislation Will Make America Safer Michelle Malkin Reprint of "Be Grateful For Patriot Act", Human Events, 14 July 2003, p. 10.
2. Antiterrorism Legislation Threatens Civil Liberties Hank Kalet Reprint of "Remember 9/11 by Protecting Democracy," Progressive Populist, 1 September 2002, p. 13.
3. Racial Profiling Will Make America Safer John Derbyshire Reprint of "At First Glance," National Review Online, 5 October 2001.
4. Racial Profiling Will Make America Less Safe David Harris Reprint of "No Common Sense in the Fight Against Terror," www.aclunc.org.
5. Immigration Must Be Restricted to Protect America Against Terrorists Mark Krikorian Excerpt from "The Security Costs of Immigration," American Outlook, February 2003.
6. Immigrants Enhance National Security Daniel Smith Excerpt from "Q: Is Multiculturalism a Threat to the National Security of the United States? NO: Our Diverse Population Is Useful Both for National Defense and As a Model for International Peace," Insight on the News, 31 December 2001.
Chapter 4: How Should the International Community Respond to Terrorism? 1. The United Nations Should Lead the Fight Against Terrorism Alexa McDonough Excerpt from "Let UN Bring Terrorists to Justice," Canadian Speeches, September/October 2001.
2. The United Nations Should Not Lead the Fight Against Terrorism Steve Bonta Excerpt from "Empowering the UN," The New American, vol. 17, 5 November 2001.
3. War Is an Appropriate Response to Terrorism Enola Aird et al. Excerpt from "What We're Fighting For: A Letter from America," Responsive Community, vol. 12, Fall 2002, p. 30.
4. War Is the Wrong Response to Terrorism Progressive Reprint of "The Toll of Terror," Progressive, vol. 65, October 2001, pp. 8-11.
5. Brokering a Peace Between Israel and Palestinians Can Reduce Terrorism Pat Lancaster Reprint of "Road Map to Peace: Destination Unknown," The Middle East, July 2003, p. 6.
6. Brokering a Peace Between Israel and Palestinians Will Not Reduce Terrorism Morton A. Kaplan From "The Israeli-Palestinian Quagmire," The World and I, vol. 18, August 2003, p. 12.
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