
Tepeyollotl in the Codex Telleriano-Remensis.

In Aztec mythology, Tepēyōllōtl Nahuatl pronunciation: /tepeːˈju˕ːɬːu˕ːtɬ/ ("heart of the mountains"; also Tepeyollotli) was the god of earthquakes, echoes and jaguars. He is the god of the Eighth Hour of the Night, and is depicted as a jaguar leaping towards the sun. He may be the same as Mictlantecutli, Tlaltecuhtli, Teoyaomicqui and Tezcatlipoca.

The word is derived as a compound of the Nahuatl words tepētl ("mountain"), and yōllōtl ("heart" or "interior"). Tepeyollotl is usually depicted as cross-eyed holding the typical white staff with green feathers. Sometimes Tezcatlipoca wore Tepeyollotl for a animal skin or disguise to trick other gods into not knowing who he was. It's safe to say, Tepeyollotl is no more than a nahual for Tezcatlipoca