Tensor product bundle

Not to be confused with a tensor bundle, a vector bundle whose section is a tensor field.

In differential geometry, the tensor product of vector bundles E, F is a vector bundle, denoted by EF, whose fiber over a point x is the tensor product of vector spaces ExFx.[1]

Example: If O is a trivial line bundle, then EO = E for any E.

Example: EE* is canonically isomorphic to the endomorphism bundle End(E), where E* is the dual bundle of E.

Example: A line bundle L has tensor inverse: in fact, LL* is (isomorphic to) a trivial bundle by the previous example, as End(L) is trivial. Thus, the set of the isomorphism classes of all line bundles on the some topological space X forms an abelian group called the Picard group of X.


One can also define a symmetric power and an exterior power of a vector bundle in a similar way. For example, a section of \Lambda^p T^* M is a differential p-form and a section of \Lambda^p T^* M \otimes E is a differential p-form with values in a vector bundle E.

See also


  1. To construct a tensor-product bundle over a paracompact base, first note the construction is clear for trivial bundles. For the general case, if the base is compact, choose E '​ such that EE '​ is trivial. Choose F '​ in the same way. Then let EF be the subbundle of (EE '​) ⊗ (FF '​) with the desired fibers. Finally, use the approximation argument to handle a non-compact base. See Hatcher for a general direct approach.
