Temporary Commission of Confederated Independence Parties

Temporary (or Provisional) Commission of Confederated Independence Parties (Komisja Tymczasowa Skonfederowanych Stronnictw Niepodległościowych (TKSSN) later just Komisja Skonfederowanych Stronnictw Niepodległościowych (KSSN, Commission of Confederated Independence Parties) was an alliance of Polish political parties from Galicia in Austro-Hungary, created on 10 November 1912 in Vienna.

Its goal was to coordinate the pro-Polish independence activities and support Austro-Hungary in the expected war. In case of the war its aim was to create a unified government for the territories liberated from the Russian partition of Poland.

On 1 December 1912 it chose Józef Piłsudski to head its military arm, based on Riflemen's Association ("Strzelec").

It was created by the following parties: Polish Socialist Party, Polish Social Democratic Party of Galicia, Związek Patriotów, Związek Chłopski, Narodowy Związek Chłopski, Polish People's Party (after 1913 PSL Lewica), National Workers' Union (until May 1914), Związek Niepodległości (from May 1914 known as Organizacja Niepodległościowa Inteligencji).

Its main activists were: Józef Piłsudski, Ignacy Daszyński, Witold Jodko-Narkiewicz, Władysław Sikorski, Walery Sławek, Hipolit Śliwiński, Leon Wasilewski.

Commeettee's ties with the Austrian government and Anti-Russian policies were unpopular. In May 1914 KSSN some of the parties left KSSN; Riflemen's Association "Strzelec" also withdrew its support. On 16 August 1914 KSSN was disbanded with the creation of the Supreme National Committee (Naczelny Komitet Narodowy).