Telephone numbers in the Pitcairn Islands

Country Code: +64 xx (partial)
International Call Prefix: 00

Telephone numbers in Pitcairn Island use ranges owned by New Zealand.

Format: +64 xx XXXXXX

Number range Usage
+64 xx Pitcairn Island

There are reports of a single payphone on the main island.

Other users are reported as only using satellite phones.

Pitcairn has at least three phones, running on the Inmarsat Mini M satellite system: phone devices on the island include: a public payphone, and control room phone, and a fax device. [1] All Inmarsat services use non-geographic country code +872. However, as of January 1, 2009, country code +872 is obsolete and no longer used.[2]

Public Telephone +872 762337766
Control Room telephone +872 762337765
Fax +872 762337767


  1. "BT website for contacting Pitcairn Islands", accessed 2013-05-16
  2. "Dial '870' for All Inmarsat Terminals". AST Distribution. Retrieved 2013-05-27.