Telephone numbers in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe telephone numbers
Country Zimbabwe
Continent Africa
Access codes
Country calling code +263
International call prefix 00

The default length for telephone numbers in Zimbabwe (minus town/city code) is six digits. Cellular phones have a standard of 11 digits.

Area code and prefix number

If you want to dial to Zimbabwe from another country the international call prefix depends on the country you are calling from, e.g. 00 for most European countries, and 011 from North America. The Country calling code for Zimbabwe is 263 The Prefix number for Zimbabwe is 00

List of area codes in Zimbabwe

List of area codes
Area Area Code Area Area Code
Bulawayo 9
Harare 4 Victoria Falls 13
Rutenga 14 Binga 15
West Nicholson 16 Filabusi 17
Dete 18 Mutare 20
Murambinda 21 Wedza 22
Chipangali 24 Rusape 25
Chimanimani 26 Chipinge 27
Hauna 28 Juliasdale 29
Gutu 30 Chiredzi 31
Mvuma 32 Triangle 33
Jerera 34 Mashava 35
Ngundu 36 Nyika 38
Masvingo (Ft. Victoria) 39 Shangani 50
Zvishavane 51 Shurugwi 52
Chegutu 53 Gweru 54
Kwekwe 55 Chivhu 56
Centenary 57 Guruve 58
Gokwe 59 Mhangura 60
Kariba 61 Norton 62
Makuti 63 Karoi 64
Beatrice 65 Banket 66
Chinhoyi 67 Kadoma 68
Darwendale 69 Chitungwiza 70
Bindura 71 Mutoko 72
Ruwa 73 Arcturus 74
Mazowe 75 Mount Darwin 76
Mvurwi 77 Murewa 78
Marondera 79 Plumtree 80
Hwange 81 Kezi 82
Figtree 83 Gwanda 284
Turk Mine 85 Beitbridge 86
Nyamandhlovu 87 Esigodini 288
Tsholotsho 89