Telephone numbers in Russia

Country Code: +7
International Call Prefix: 8~10
Trunk Prefix: 8

Telephone numbers in Russia are under a unified numbering plan with Kazakhstan, both of which share the international code +7. Historically, +7 was used as the country calling code for all of the Soviet Union. Following the Soviet break-up, all of its former republics, save for Russia and Kazakhstan, switched to new country codes. Following Abkhazia's unilateral secession from Georgia and recognition by Russia, Abkhazia switched to the Russian telephone codes +7 840 for landlines and +7 940 for mobile phones, though it still can be reached via the Georgian telephone code +995 44.[1]

Russia uses a four-level (local, zone, country, international) open dialing plan. Local telecommunications regulators had planned to abandon this system and change to a closed dialing plan at all levels by 2009, but postponed the changeover until 2010,[2] and later pushed once more until 2012.[3] Currently, all national subscriber numbers consist of 10 digits (excluding any prefixes), with 3 digits for an area code and a 7-digit individual number which includes a zone code.

Long distance and international prefixes

The international dialing prefix in Russia is "8~10"—callers dial "8", wait for a tone, and then dial "10", followed by the country code, area code, and number. The long distance prefix is "8~". There are plans to change those prefixes to "0" for national and "00" for international dialing,[4] but they are not yet implemented.

Placing long distance and international calls

When making long distance or international calls, a subscriber may choose either of two providers: Pre-Select or Hot-Choice. If a subscriber prefers Pre-Select, he calls a prescribed free number (8-800-333-0990 for MTT or 8-800-100-2525 RT) and signs up initially for service. He may also sign a statement at the phone company indicating his choice of provider. With this provider, the prefixes and dialing procedures for non-local calls are the ones currently in use. The default regulation in Moscow is Hot-Choice (not available yet on all exchanges; regional operators apply their own regulation depending on availability). Available operators are:

The dialing pattern for Hot-Choice subscribers is different. After dialing "8", the subscriber waits for a tone and then dials the operator code (OC) either for a long distance call or an international call.

OperatorLong distance call codeInternational call code

Dialing pattern

Note: the tone signal after dialing "8" is compulsory on old analog (with pulse mode dialing) exchanges and optional on digital (tone mode dialing) exchanges.

Calls within a city or region

xxx-xx-xx (exception: Moscow—see below), e.g.:

Local phone numbers in Russia may be made up of five (x-xx-xx), six (xx-xx-xx), or seven (xxx-xx-xx) digits.

Moscow City has two area codes assigned: 495 and 499.

Calls between these two codes are local calls and are not charged at long distance rates.

Calls between cities/regions within Russia

Pre-Selected Operator: 8-tone-ABC xxx-xx-xx (where ABC is the area code)

Hot-Choice Operator selection: 8-tone-OC ABC xxx-xx-xx (where OC is the Operator Code and ABC is the area code)

International calls from Russia

Pre-Selected Operator: 8-tone-10 International number

Hot-Choice Operator selection: 8-tone-OC International number where OC is the Operator Code

Calls from outside Russia

+7 ABC xxx-xx-xx
where ABC is the area code

Area codes

First digit of code Routed to
0Not used (long distance and international prefix)
1Not used (for special services)
2Reserved (for common usage with Kazakhstan)
3Geographic codes
4Geographic codes
6Used for numbers in Kazakhstan[13]
7Used for numbers in Kazakhstan[13]
8Geographic codes, Toll-Free, and Pay-Line (for common usage with Kazakhstan and Abkhazia)
9Mobile, GSM, & Pay-Line (code 940 is for Abkhazia mobiles)

List of area codes in Russia

The dialing code 495 was introduced on 1 December 2005 to replace 095, in order to make it possible to adopt the ITU convention of 0 and 00 dialing prefixes for local and international dialing respectively. The old '095' dialing code, along with 19 other Russian area codes starting with '0', expired on 31 January 2006.[14]

RegionArea codeOld code (inactive)
Republic of Adygea 877
Altai Krai385
Altai Republic388
Amur Oblast416
Arkhangelsk Oblast and Nenets Autonomous Okrug818
Astrakhan Oblast851
Belgorod Oblast472072
Bryansk Oblast483083
Republic of Buryatia301
Republic of Crimea365[15]
Vladimir Oblast492092
Volgograd Oblast844
Vologda Oblast817, 820
Voronezh Oblast473073
Republic of Dagestan 872
Jewish Autonomous Oblast426
Sverdlovsk Oblast 343
Ivanovo Oblast493093
Republic of Ingushetia873
Irkutsk Oblast395
Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria 866
Kaliningrad Oblast401011
Republic of Kalmykia847
Kaluga Oblast484084
Kamchatka Krai415
Republic of Karachay–Cherkessia878
Republic of Karelia 814
Kemerovo Oblast384
Kirov Oblast833
Komi Republic 821
Kostroma Oblast494094
Krasnodar Krai861, 862
Krasnoyarsk Krai391
Kurgan Oblast352
Kursk Oblast471071
Leningrad Oblast813
Lipetsk Oblast474074
Magadan Oblast413
Republic of Mari El 836
Republic of Mordovia 834
Moscow City495, 499095
Moscow Oblast496, 498096
Murmansk Oblast815
Nizhny Novgorod Oblast831
Novgorod Oblast816
Novosibirsk Oblast383
Omsk Oblast381
Orenburg Oblast353
Oryol Oblast486086
Penza Oblast841
Perm Krai 342
Primorsky Krai 423
Pskov Oblast811
Rostov Oblast863
Ryazan Oblast491091
Samara Oblast846, 848
Saint Petersburg812
Saratov Oblast845
Sakhalin Oblast 424
Republic of North Ossetia–Alania867
City of Sevastopol869[16]
Smolensk Oblast481081
Stavropol Krai 865, 879
Tambov Oblast475075
Republic of Tatarstan843, 855
Tver Oblast482082
Tomsk Oblast382
Tula Oblast487087
Republic of Tyva (Tuva) 394
Tyumen Oblast345
Republic of Udmurtia341
Ulyanovsk Oblast842
Republic of Bashkortostan347
Khabarovsk Krai421
Republic of Khakassia 390
Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Okrug346
Chelyabinsk Oblast351
Republic of Chechnya871
Zabaykalsky Krai302
Republic of Chuvashia835
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug427
Sakha Republic (Yakutia)411
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 349
Yaroslavl Oblast485085

Toll-free & pay-line codes

800FPH: Freephone
801AAB: Automatic alternative billing
802CCC: Credit card calling
803VOT: Televoting
804UAN: Universal access number
805PCC: Prepaid card calling
806ACC: Account card calling
807VPN: Virtual private network
808UPT: Universal personal Telecommunication
809PRM: Premium rate
970Data transfer services
971Telematic services

Special numbers (emergencies)

Number Service
01Fire brigade
04Gas service
112General emergency
07Directory assistance, Rostelecom
09Directory assistance (free, limited info)
009Directory assistance (pay service, 35 rubles/min.) in Moscow
100Talking clock in Moscow
115Information on electronic government services[17]

The government is introducing the unified emergency number "112"[18] and canceling special numbers starting with "0"). Domestic regulators plan to have this scheme in place by early 2012. Their intent is to increase the number of regions connected to 112 year by year: two in 2007, six in 2008, 24 in 2009, 44 in 2010, etc. These changes are aimed at bringing local regulations into compliance with ITU and EU recommendations. In a press conference on December 2013 Minister of Emergency Situations Vladimir Puchkov said that the unified system runs in a full pilot mode from 2014 and will fully enter to operational mode in 2016.[19]

See also
