Telephone numbers in Monaco

Monaco telephone numbers
Country Monaco
Continent Europe
Access codes
Country calling code +377
International call prefix 00
Trunk prefix none

Telephone numbers in Monaco are eight digits in length, with fixed line numbers beginning with the digit 9 and mobile phone numbers with the digit 4.

Until 21 June 1996, Monaco formed part of the French numbering plan, with fixed line numbers beginning with 93, but in that year the principality adopted its own country code +377. Consequently, all calls between France and Monaco had to be dialled in international format, including those to and from surrounding areas in France.

From Monaco to France
00 33 x xx xx xx xx
From France to Monaco
00 377 xx xx xx xx

In addition, +377 has been used by mobile phone operators in other countries, such as Lonestar Cell in Liberia[1] and Vala in Kosovo.[2]

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