Telephone numbers in Lithuania

Country Code: +370
International Call Prefix: 00
Trunk Prefix: 8 (planned to be 0 later)

In Lithuania, area codes consist of 2 digits for the towns with 6-digit numbering. Smaller towns have a 3-digit area code and 5-digit phone number, Vilnius has 7-digit number and single digit city code. Total national number's length is always 8 digits.[1]

Dialling rules:

Special numbers:

Emergency: 112
Special local services: 1xxx
Local calls: xxxxx, xxxxxx, xxxxxxx
National calls: 8~xxxxxxxx (trunk code "8" is planned to be replaced with "0" in the future)
International calls prefix: 00

Area codes and prefixes:

2xx x xx xx reserved for future use
31x x xx xx landline numbers for district of Alytus
34x x xx xx landline numbers for district of Kaunas
35x x xx xx reserved for future use
36x x xx xx reserved for future use
37 xx xx xx landline numbers for city of Kaunas
42x x xx xx landline numbers for district of Šiauliai
44x x xx xx landline numbers for district of Klaipėda
45x x xx xx landline numbers for district of Panevėžys
46 xx xx xx landline numbers for city of Klaipėda
52 xx xx xx landline numbers for city of Vilnius (except 528 xx xxx)
6xx xx xxx  mobile numbers
700 xx xxx  universal landline numbers
800 xx xxx  toll-free numbers
9xx xx xxx  premium rate numbers

National area codes:

Akmenė: 425
Alytus: 315
Anykščiai: 381
Birštonas: 319
Biržai: 450
Druskininkai: 313
Elektrėnai: 528
Ignalina: 386
Jonava: 349
Joniškis: 426
Jurbarkas: 447
Kaišiadorys: 346
Kaunas: 37
Kelmė: 427
Kėdainiai: 347
Klaipėda: 46
Kretinga: 445
Kupiškis: 459
Lazdijai: 318
Marijampolė: 343
Mažeikiai: 443
Molėtai: 383
Neringa: 469
Pakruojis: 421
Palanga: 460
Panevėžys: 45
Pasvalys: 451
Plungė: 448
Prienai: 319
Radviliškis: 422
Raseiniai: 428
Rokiškis: 458
Skuodas: 440
Šakiai: 345
Šalčininkai: 380
Šiauliai: 41
Šilalė: 449
Šilutė: 441
Širvintos: 382
Švenčionys: 387
Tauragė: 446
Telšiai: 444
Trakai: 528
Ukmergė: 340
Utena: 389
Varėna: 310
Vilkaviškis: 342
Vilnius: 5 
Visaginas: 386
Zarasai: 385

Example call:

When you need to call the Vilnius number 2102222:
From within Vilnius: 2102222
From a Lithuanian landline outside Vilnius: 8 5 2102222
From another country: + 370 5 2102222
