Telephone numbers in Israel

Israel telephone numbers
Country Israel
Continent Asia
Type closed
Access codes
Country calling code +972
International call prefix 00 or 01x
Trunk prefix 0

Until the 1990s, telephone numbers in Israel had 6 digits (except in its early days), and until the 2000s, there were 8 area codes allocated to Bezeq, by region. Currently numbers have seven digits and Bezeq controls 6 area codes - 04 and 06 (Haifa and northern areas) were merged, as well as 07 (south) and 08 (Shfela). Israel's international country code is +972.

With the influence of VOIP long distance was deregulated in Israel. According to the Israel Ministry of Communication a VOIP number may be ported to a landline carrier and vice versa providing the option to have, say, a northern number in the south of the country. Numbers may not be ported, say, from the north to the south of the country on the same kind of line (e.g., VOIP to VOIP or landline to landline). Mobile number portability between cellular providers was introduced in late 2007.

Format: most regular lines are [+972] (0X) XXX XXXX for traditional terrestrial lines, or [+972] (0XX) XXX XXXX for mobile and VOIP lines. The leading "0" in area codes is only dialed when calling within Israel. When calling from overseas, dial +972 and drop the leading "0" in the area code.

Access codes

Area codes

Part 1

Mobile range

Part 2

The leading 0 trunk code is not dialed from abroad.
When dialing within one of the geographical area codes (02,03,04,08,09) the prefix can be dropped (so instead of dialing 03-xxx-xxxx you can dial xxx-xxxx).
Due to mobile number portability, a mobile phone with a prefix of one provider can be associated with a different provider. To prevent confusion and overbilling when dialing from one provider to a prefix that is associated with the same provider but actually subscribed to a different provider the caller will hear a special warning tone.

Special numbers

Special numbers include emergency and aid services, along with technical support and other provider services:[1]

"Kosher" numbers

"Kosher" phones and networks are essentially phones with Haredi rabbinical approval that can be used for communication without entertainment functionality or connectivity. This is a line that has a pre-defined prefix and it is blocked to content that Haredi activists feel is not appropriate for their community. Such blocking includes cellular internet access, chat rooms, SMS, etc. It should not be imputed that other phones are not kosher according to Jewish law, as evidenced by the fact that a very large number - if not the majority - of observant Orthodox Jews worldwide do not restrict themselves to "kosher" phones; rather the description "kosher" phones is a loose description implying an added level of stringency accepted by some communities.

Some mobile plans include a large allocation of minutes to kosher numbers, which are:

See also


  1. Emergency numbers

External links