Telephone numbers in Estonia

Estonia telephone numbers
Country Estonia
Continent Europe
Access codes
Country calling code +372
International call prefix 00
Trunk prefix none

Telephone numbers in Estonia follow a closed telephone numbering plan.

All calls inside Estonia are local; trunk codes are not used.

Landline phone numbers have 7 digits, mobile numbers can have either 7 or 8 digits.

Telephone numbers are portable between locations and operators.

Numbering plan

 32x xxxx      Landline (Rakvere)
 33x xxxx      Landline (Kohtla-Järve)
 35x xxxx      Landline (Narva)
 38x xxxx      Landline (Paide)
 39x xxxx      Landline (Sillamäe)
 40xx xxxx     Special services
 43x xxxx      Landline (Viljandi)
 44x xxxx      Landline (Pärnu)
 45x xxxx      Landline (Kuressaare)
 46x xxxx      Landline (Kärdla)
 47x xxxx      Landline (Haapsalu)
 48x xxxx      Landline (Rapla)
 5xx xxxx      Mobile
 5xxx xxxx     Mobile
 6xx xxxx      Landline (Tallinn and Harju County)
 7xx xxxx      Landline (Tartu)
 70xx xxxx     Premium
 71x xxxx      Landline
 72x xxxx      Landline
 73x xxxx      Landline
 74x xxxx      Landline
 75x xxxx      Landline
 76x xxxx      Landline (Valga)
 77x xxxx      Landline (Jõgeva)
 78x xxxx      Landline (Võru)
 79x xxxx      Landline (Põlva)
 800 xxxx      Freephone
 800 xxxxx     Freephone
 8000 xxx xxx  Freephone
 81xx xxxx     Mobile
 82xx xxxx     Mobile
 83xx xxxx     Mobile
 88x xxxx      Landline
 900 xxxx      Personal
 901 xxxx      Landline

Example call

 When calling the Estonian number 799 2222:
 *From inside Estonia:       799 2222
 *From other countries: +372 799 2222

Special numbers

 112 - Emergency
 1xxx - Special paid services
 1xxxx - Special paid services
 1xxxxx - Special paid services