Teeth cleaning twig

Man in West Africa brushing teeth using a chewing stick.

A Datun (Arabic: السواك), (Hindi: दातुन), Miswak, Teeth Cleaning Twig, Twig Toothbrush, Bush Toothbrush, Tooth Twig, Chew Stick, or Chewing Stick is a tool made from a twig from a tree with antimicrobial properties. It can thus help prevent tooth decay and gum disease.


Chew sticks are twigs with a frayed end used to brush against the teeth,[1] while the other end was used as a toothpick.[2] The earliest chew sticks have been dated to Babylonia in 3500 BC[2] and an Egyptian tomb from 3000 BC;[1] they are mentioned in Chinese records dating from 1600 BC.[2]

In Africa, chew sticks are made from the tree salvadora persica, also known as the "toothbrush tree." In Islam, this tree is traditionally used to create a chew stick called miswak, as frequently advocated for in the hadith(written traditions relating to the life of Muhammad).[3]

Twigs used

Spring blossoms of Kikar (also called Babool) at Hodal in Faridabad District of Haryana, India
Neem (Azadirachta indica) in Hyderabad, India

Teeth cleaning twigs can be obtained from a variety of tree species. Although many trees are used in the production of teeth cleaning twigs, some trees are better suited to clean and protect the teeth, due to the chemical composition of the plant parts. The tree species are:[4][5][6][7][8]


When compared to toothbrushes, teeth cleaning twigs have several advantages:


See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 Panati, Charles (2013). Extraordinary Origins of Everyday Things. HarperCollins. pp. 208–209. ISBN 978-0-06-227708-4.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Yu, Hai-Yang; Qian, Lin-Mao; Zheng, Jing (2013). Dental Biotribology. Springer. pp. 18–19. ISBN 978-1-4614-4550-0.
  3. http://sunnah.com/search/miswak
  4. "Neem tree as teeth cleaning twig". Batplants.co.uk. Retrieved 2011-01-17.
  5. "Natural twigs used as teeth cleaning twigs". Naturaltoothbrush.com. Retrieved 2011-01-17.
  6. "Neem tree as teeth cleaning twig 2". Neem-products.com. Retrieved 2011-01-17.
  7. "Natural toothbrush twigs". Naturallygreen.co.uk. 2007-09-15. Retrieved 2011-01-17.
  8. "Natural toothbrush overview". Nzherald.co.nz. 2007-06-19. Retrieved 2011-01-17.
  9. Fletcher, Pascal (Jun 18, 2007). "African twig brushes offer all-day dental care". Reuters. Retrieved 10 March 2013.
  10. "Christine D. Wu reporting equal results of dental protection in comparisment tooth twig-toothbrush". Nzherald.co.nz. 2007-06-19. Retrieved 2011-01-17.
  11. "Commercial teeth cleaning twig at 8-16% of toothbrush cost, twig from private owned tree at 0". Nzherald.co.nz. 2007-06-19. Retrieved 2011-01-17.
  12. "Commercial cinnamon toothpicks can freshen up breath". Cinnamonfresh.com. Retrieved 2011-01-17.
  13. "Over extensive scrubbing damages gums". Nzherald.co.nz. 2007-06-19. Retrieved 2011-01-17.