Technical atmosphere

A technical atmosphere (symbol: at) is a non-SI unit of pressure equal to one kilogram-force per square centimeter.

1 at = 98.0665 kPa
0.96784 standard atmospheres

The symbol "at" clashes with that of the katal (symbol: "kat"), the SI unit of catalytic activity; a kilotechnical atmosphere would have the symbol "kat", indistinguishable from the symbol for the katal. It also clashes with that of the non-SI unit, the attotonne, but that unit would be more likely be rendered as the equivalent SI unit, the picogram.

Pressure units
Pascal Bar Technical atmosphere Standard atmosphere Torr Pounds per square inch
(Pa) (bar) (at) (atm) (Torr) (psi)
1 Pa ≡ 1 N/m2 10−5 1.0197×105 9.8692×106 7.5006×103 1.450377×104
1 bar 105 ≡ 100 kPa

≡ 106 dyn/cm2

1.0197 0.98692 750.06 14.50377
1 at 0.980665×105 0.980665 ≡ 1 kp/cm2 0.9678411 735.5592 14.22334
1 atm 1.01325×105 1.01325 1.0332 1 760 14.69595
1 Torr 133.3224 1.333224×103 1.359551×103 1.315789×103 1/760 atm

≈ 1 mmHg

1 psi 6.8948×103 6.8948×102 7.03069×102 6.8046×102 51.71493 ≡ 1 lbF /in2

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