Tatevi Anapat

Tatevi Anapat
Տաթեւի անապատ
Shown within Armenia
Basic information
Location in the Vorotan valley near Tatev village, Syunik Province,
Armenia Armenia
Geographic coordinates 39°23′16″N 46°15′39″E / 39.387665°N 46.260806°ECoordinates: 39°23′16″N 46°15′39″E / 39.387665°N 46.260806°E
Affiliation Armenian Apostolic Church
Architectural description
Architectural style Armenian
Groundbreaking 17th-18th centuries

Tatevi Anapat is a 17th-century Armenian monastery located in the Vorotan River valley in the Syunik Province of Armenia. The National Competitiveness Foundation of Armenia is going to create a tourism zone in the Tatev area to draw visitors to its amazing churches and scenery. The Tatevi Anapat is going to be one of the main sights.

See also

External links