Task Force 1-41 Infantry

Task Force 1-41 Infantry was a U.S. Army heavy battalion task force which took part in the Gulf War of January – March 1991. It consisted primarily the 1st Battalion, 41st Infantry Regiment, itself part of the 2nd Armored Division (Forward), based at Lucius D. Clay Kaserne, 24 kilometres (15 mi) north of Bremen, in the Federal Republic of Germany. Task Force 1-41 was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel James L. Hillman.[1] After arrival in Saudi Arabia, 1st Battalion, 41st Infantry, was task organized (effectively merged in parts) with 3rd Battalion, 66th Armor Regiment.[2] This 'task organization', routine before combat, was designed to ensure that infantry and armour were present in balanced organizations so that they could provide mutual support. The task force's higher headquarters, 3rd Brigade, 2nd Armored Division, was itself attached to the 1st Infantry Division (Mechanized) to make up for a missing brigade of that division.[3] The brigade became known as Task Force Iron.[1] It would become the spearhead of VII Corps. The brigade was the first to breach the sand berms dividing Saudi and Iraqi territory,[1] and the battalion itself was the first over the berm.[4] Prior to this action the Task Force's primary fire support battalion 4-3 FA participated in a massive artillery prep. Over 14,000 rounds would be fired during these missions.[5] This artillery prep was supplemented by air attacks by B-52 bombers and C-130 cargo aircraft.[6] Once into Iraqi territory the Task Force would encounter multiple Iraqi defensive positions and bunkers. These defensive positions were occupied by a brigade sized element.[4] TF 1-41 IN elements dismounted and prepared to engage the enemy soldiers which occupied these well prepared and heavily fortified bunkers.[4] The Task Force would find itself engaged in six hours of combat in order to clear the extensive bunker complex.[4] The Iraqis would engage the Task Force with small arms fire, RPGs, mortar fire, and what was left of Iraqi artillery assets. A series of battles would unfold which resulted in heavy Iraqi casualties and the Iraqis being removed from their defensive positions with many becoming prisoners of war. Some would escape to be killed or captured by other coalition forces.[7]

Shortly after arrival in theatre the Task Force also received a counter reconnaissance mission.[1] This generally includes destroying or repelling the Iraqi's reconnaissance elements and denying their commander any observation of friendly forces. On 15 February 1991 4-3 FA fired on a trailer and a few trucks in the Iraqi sector that was observing American forces.[8] On 16 February 1991 several groups of Iraqi vehicles appeared to be performing reconnaissance on the Task Force and were driven away by fire from 4-3 FA.[9] Another Iraqi platoons, including six vehicles, was reported as being to the northeast of the Task Force. They were engaged with artillery fire from 4-3 FA.[10] Later that evening another group of Iraqi vehicles were spotted moving towards the center of the Task Force. They appeared to be Iraqi Soviet made BTRs and tanks. For the next hour the Task Force would fight several small battles with Iraqi reconnaissance units. TF 1-41 IN fired TOW missiles at the Iraqi formation destroying one tank. The rest of the formation was destroyed or driven away by artillery fire from 4-3 FA.[10] On 17 February 1991 the Task Force took enemy mortar fire, however, the Iraqi forces managed to escape.[11] Later that evening the Task Force received enemy artillery fire but suffered no casualties.[12] The Task Force participated in the Battle of 73 Easting and the Battle of Norfolk.[13] Task Force 1-41 Infantry was involved in the worst US "friendly fire" incident of the Gulf War on 27 February 1991.[14] The Task Force would travel over 124 miles (200 km) in 72 hours during Operation Desert Storm.[4]

Iraqi T-72 main battle tank destroyed in a Coalition attack during Operation Desert Storm


Destroyed Iraqi tanks burning at the Battle of Norfolk, February 1991.

The 1st Battalion, 41st Infantry Regiment, was equipped with M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles and formed part of the 2nd Armored Division (Forward). The other combat battalions of the brigade were the 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the 66th Armor Regiment (equipped with M1A1 Abrams tanks) and the 4th Battalion of the 3rd Field Artillery Regiment (operating M109 howitzers).[15] The 2nd Armored Division (Forward) was a very well-trained unit, and 1-41 Infantry had experienced leaders. Some of its members had served in elite Airborne units or the 75th Ranger Regiment. During exercises the battalion regularly exchanged combat elements with the other combat units in the division, with B company of the 3-66 Armor being frequently attached to the 1-41 Infantry.[16]

The 2nd Armored Division (Forward) arrived in Saudi Arabia in early January 1991, with 1-41 Infantry arriving on 8 January. After receiving their equipment and moving to a forward area near the border with Iraq, 1-41 Infantry and 3-66 Armor exchanged companies on 31 January to task organize for combat; A and D companies of 1-41 Infantry were attached to 3-66 Armor, and the infantry battalion received A and B companies of 3-66 Armor.[2] Task Force 1-41 also comprised two companies of engineers, a platoon from the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Air Defense Artillery Regiment and a fire support element from the 4-3 FA.[4] While technically not part of the Task Force, ten U.S. Army Special Forces ODAs performed reconnaissance operations for the Task Force and other elements of VII Corps.[17]

Task Force Iron was attached to the 1st Armored Division, forming its third maneuver element.[18] The Task Force served at the Battle of 73 Easting with the 1st Infantry Division (Mechanized) along with the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment. They were responsible for destroying the Iraqi 18th Mechanized and 9th Armored Brigades of the Republican Guard Tawakalna Mechanized Infantry Division and the Iraqi 26th Infantry Division. On the eve of 26–27 February 1991 the Task Force played a key role in the destruction of the Iraqi 12th Armored Division. Some 40 Iraqi tanks were destroyed and a similar number of other vehicles.[19] In moving to and through the Battle of 73 Easting, 2nd ACR and the 1st Infantry division's lead brigades, which included Task Force Iron, destroyed 160 tanks, 180 personnel carriers, 12 artillery pieces and more than 80 wheeled vehicles, along with several anti-aircraft artillery systems during the battle.[20] On 27 February 1991 the Task Force, while assigned as part of the 3rd Brigade (2nd Armored Division) of the 1st Infantry Division, had a hand in destroying 60 Iraqi tanks and 35 infantry vehicles along the Iraq Pipeline to Saudi Arabia (IPSA).[21] The Task Force also captured hundreds of Iraqi soldiers.[4] The Task Force was assisted by the British 1st Armoured Division during this engagement. This became known as the Battle of Norfolk. Before the end of combat operations the Task Force would engage a total of 11 Iraqi divisions. The Task Force suffered 38 casualties and half-dozen combat vehicles were destroyed, including multiple M1A1 Abrams tanks, during combat operations. Task Force 1-41 earned a Valorous Unit Award for its efforts.[4]

A M109A2 self propelled howitzer, belonging to 4-3 FA Battalion, prepares to move into position to engage Iraqi forces, February 1991. 4-3 FA Battalion conducted numerous fire missions and artillery raids during the conflict.

Task Force Units

Sources: Hillman 1993, pp. 5–6, Dinackus 2000, p. 4A8, and US Army Center of Military History DA GO 1991-20.

Valorous Unit Award Citation

For extraordinary heroism in action against an armed enemy. Task Force 1-41 was the first coalition force to breach the Saudi Arabian border on 15 February 1991 and conduct ground combat operations in Iraq engaging in direct and indirect fire fights with the enemy on 17 February 1991. The Task Force was part of the VII Corps main attack beginning 24 February 1991 as it conducted a forward passage through 1st Infantry Division elements and began a mission to clear a zone which again resulted in enemy contact. On 26 February, following a 60 kilometer road march, the Task Force immediately engaged in ground combat with armored and dismounted enemy of brigade size. For six hours it was involved in continuous combat with a tenacious and determined enemy occupying extremely well prepared and heavily fortified bunkers. Task Force infantry elements dismounted and engaged the enemy in numerous short range fire fights while methodically clearing the extensive bunker complex. By morning the Task Force had systematically reduced the entrenched enemy positions in zone. Continuing as part of the VII Corps attack the Task Force travelled 85 kilometers in less than 24 hours while engaging at short range multiple, dug in enemy tanks in ambush positions. The Task Force reached its final objective 28 February 1991 with a push which continued the destruction of enemy armored vehicles. During the entire ground campaign, involving their attack through Iraq into Kuwait, Task Force 1-41 travelled over 200 Kilometers in 72 hours and destroyed 65 armored vehicles and 10 artillery pieces, while capturing over 300 enemy prisoners.[4]
4-3 FA Battalion, 2nd Armored Division(FWD) conducts artillery strikes on Iraqi positions during the 1st Gulf War. 4-3 FA was the primary fire support battalion for Task Force 1-41 during the 1st Gulf War, February 1991.
U.S. Army Special Forces ODA 525 team, which served as a reconnaissance unit for Task Force 1-41, shortly before infiltration in Iraq, February 1991.



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