
Tartej ( Arabic - ترتج ) is a Lebanese village located at an altitude of 1177 m, The altitude vary according to the peaks, the hills, the plains, and the valleys. Qornet ain el deb ( Arabic - قرنة عين الدب ) is the highest peak in the mountain 1859 m, peak Ain Al Marbout 1774  m ( Arabic - عين المربوط ), Jouret Al Maktoul 1715 m ( Arabic - جورة المقتول ), Jouret Al Touti 1480  m ( Arabic - جورة التوتي ) and Al Wata 1088 m ( Arabic - الوطى ).

The Area of Tartej is 1135 Hektar، most of the land are rocks in general, and the plain land located at the middle of the village.

It is far from Beirut 65 km, from Byblos 25  km, and from Tripoli 48  km. Tartej is located in East North of Jbeil District, in the Mount Lebanon Governorate.It is surrounded by mountains from all directions and open view to the West. Most of Tartej houses are made from Testa, it is special kind of rocks used to built old houses.

Tartej borders with neighbor villages:.

The most famous agriculture trees in Tartej are Olives, apples, grapevines, fig and tobacco Plant. Tobacco was the most important resource in the past for living.


Tartej dates back to the antiquity ages, indications of important examples are the ancient pagan temples, shrines, the writings on the rocks, traces of Phoenician ,traces of Romanian , iron mines, and the ruins of the Temple of God Avlij ( Arabic - الإله أفليج ). .

Tartej is well known for it is ancient Maronite historical monasteries, Monastery Saint Georges ( Arabic - دير مار جرجس ), which is located near the renovated old church ( Arabic - كنيسة مار جرجس ), Monastery Saint Antonios ( Arabic - دير مار انطانيوس ), and Monastery Saint Sarkis&Bakhos ( Arabic - دير مار سركيس و باخوس )

The old church name was Mary's church ( Arabic - كنيسة السيدة ) it was built in the year 1832 and it finish in the year 1850 ( according to special archives document from Bkerke ). In the 80 th They decided to upgrade the church and rename it as Saint Georges church ( Arabic - كنيسة مار جرجس ).It is famous, it contains a huge tour and big hall contains all facilities.

Origin of the name

As all Lebanese village the name of all villages has a meaning and it reflects to something. The name of the Tartej comes from the Syriac languages (Tur - Tag),[1] the Tur it represents the mountain, and the Tag represents the crown and the snow, therefore Tartej has the meaning of the name is such way that snow on the head of the mountain ( Arabic - الثلج على رأس الجبل ) and it is similar to the crown on the head of the king ( Arabic - التاج على رأس الملك )


The people of Tartej are Maronite. Tartej' s population is around 2,863 ( according to official list from Ministry of Interior and Municipalities (Lebanon) in 2010 ),[2] many of them leave the village in the winter, and return to the village during the summer, due to study and work.

The biggest families in Tartej are "Aoun", "Chalhoub", "Rkaiby", "Sadek", "Awwad", "Bchara". These families are the roots of other families, Antoun, Amine, Aoun, Abd Al Masih, Akl, Awwad, Al Khoury, Al Khoury Mkhayel, Bchara, Botros, Boulos, Chalhoub, Chayban, Chedid, Daoud, Doumit, Estephan, Joumayel, Khalil, Hanna, Ghousn, Kinaan, Kouberyanous, Kamel, Khair, Matta, Maroun, Moussa, Mansour, Nachoul, Nawfal, Rachid, Rouphael, Sadek, Sarkis, Saliba, Tannous, Youssef, Younan.


The first road to connect The mountains with the city passed through Tartej was developed in the year 1932. Amchit - Abaidat - Lehfed - Jaj - Tartej. The second road to Tartej was developed in 1934. Amchit - Abaidat - Deir Mayfouk - Hadtoun - Tartej.

Famous People


  1. Estephan, Charbel. "Tartej it's past and present", First Edition - 2011.
  2. , Lebanese Ministry of Interior.
  3. , Miss Lebanon.
  4. , Rassemblement Pour Le Liban.
  5. , World Lebanese Culture Union.
  6. , Harvard Club Of Lebanon.
  7. , Web Analytic Software.