Tarski monster group

This article is about the kind of infinite group known as a Tarski monster group. For the largest of the sporadic simple groups, see Monster group.

In the area of modern algebra known as group theory, a Tarski monster group, named for Alfred Tarski, is an infinite group G, such that every proper subgroup H of G, other than the identity subgroup, is a cyclic group of order a fixed prime number p. A Tarski monster group is necessarily simple. It was shown by A. Yu. Olshanskii in 1979 that Tarski groups exist, and that there is a Tarski p-group for every prime p > 1075. They are a source of counterexamples to conjectures in group theory, most importantly to Burnside's problem and the von Neumann conjecture.


Let p be a fixed prime number. An infinite group G is called a Tarski Monster group for p if every nontrivial subgroup (i.e. every subgroup other than 1 and G itself) has p elements.

