Tarner Lectures
The Tarner lectures are a series of public lectures in the philosophy of science given at Trinity College, Cambridge since 1916. Named after Mr Edward Tarner, the lecture addresses 'the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Relations or Want of Relations between the different Departments of Knowledge.' The inaugural lecture was given by Alfred North Whitehead in the autumn of 1919 and are published as his "The concept of nature."
Past Lectures
Full list of Past Tarner Lectures [1]
Year | Speaker | Lecture Title |
1919 | Dr A.N. Whitehead | THE CONCEPT OF NATURE[2] |
1923 | Dr C.D. Broad | The border-line between physics and psychology [3] |
1926 | Hon. Bertrand Russell | The analysis of matter [4] |
1929 | Mr G.E. Moore | Knowledge direct and indirect [5] |
1931 | Dr Tennant | The relations between the different departments of knowledge [6] |
1935 | Mr A.D. Ritchie | The natural history of mind [7] |
1938 | Sir Arthur Eddington | The philosophy of physical science [8] |
1941 | Dr C.A. Mace | Causality and mind |
1946 | Mr R.B. Braithwaite | Laws of nature, probability, and scientific explanation [9] |
1947 | Sir Edmund Whittaker | The concepts of physics [10] |
1949 | Professor Joseph Henry Woodger | Biology and language |
1953 | Professor G. Ryle | Cross purposes between theories [11] |
1956 | Professor E. Schrödinger (read by Professor J. Wisdom) | The physical basis of consciousness [12] |
1960 | Professor C.F.A. Pantin | The A sciences and the B sciences |
1962 | Mr H.A.C. Dobbs | The concept of time |
1965 | Professor Hermann Bondi | Assumption and myth in physical theory [13] |
1967 | Professor Georg Henrik von Wright | Time, Change and Contradiction[14] |
1970 | Dr Gerd Buchdahl | Not Available |
1975 | Professor William Kneale | Grammar, logic, and arithmetic |
1978 | Professor M. Black | Models of rationality |
1982 | Professor E.O. Wilson | Socio-biology and comparative social theory [15] |
1985 | Professor J.F. Dyson | Origins of life [16] |
1988 | Sir Andrew Huxley | Matter, life, evolution |
1991 | Professor Ian Hacking | Kinds of people and kinds of things |
1994 | Professor M. Redhead[17] | From physics to metaphysics [18] |
1996 | Professor M. Rudwick | Constructing geohistory in the age of revolution [19] |
2000 | Professor Simon Conway Morris | Footsteps to eternity: the implications of evolution |
2006 | Professor P. Galison | Images, Objects, and the Scientific Self [20] |
2010 | Professor S. Schaffer | ”When the stars threw down their spears”: Histories of Astronomy and Empire [21] |
2012 | Prof. Sir Geoffrey Lloyd | The ideals of inquiry: an ancient history [22] |
Whitehead, Alfred North. The Concept Of Nature (Kindle Location 58). Anders Lewis Publishing Inc. Kindle Edition.
- ↑ http://www.trin.cam.ac.uk/index.php?pageid=1374 | Trinity College Past Tarner Lectures
- ↑ http://www.egs.edu/library/alfred-north-whitehead/articles/the-concept-of-nature-the-tarner-lectures-delivered-in-trinity-college-november-1919/preface/ | Dr A. N. Whitehead, Concept of Nature - Full Text
- ↑ https://archive.org/details/minditsplaceinna00broa | Broad, the Mind and its place in nature
- ↑ 1927, The Analysis of Matter, London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner.
- ↑ http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/a2a/records.aspx?cat=012-moor_3&cid=-1#-1 | The Papers of George Edward Moore (1873 - 1958) Philosopher
- ↑ http://www.amazon.co.uk/Philosophy-Sciences-Relations-Tarner-Lecture/ | Dr Tennant,The relations between the different departments of knowledge
- ↑ http://bjp.rcpsych.org/content/82/340/671.full.pdf+html | Mr A.D. Ritchie, The natural history of mind
- ↑ http://www.cambridge.org/gb/academic/subjects/physics/history-philosophy-and-foundations-physics/philosophy-physical-science-tarner-lectures-1938 | Sir Arthur Eddington, The philosophy of physical science
- ↑ http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=hxo7AAAAIAAJ&pg=PR9&lpg=PR9 | Mr R.B. Braithwaite Laws of nature, probability, and scientific explanation
- ↑ http://www.amazon.co.uk/Euclid-Eddington-conceptions-external-lectures/ | Sir Edmund Whittaker, The concepts of physics
- ↑ http://www.amazon.co.uk/Dilemmas-Lectures-published-Cambridge-University/dp/B00E32O782/ref=sr_1_7?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1401805359&sr=1-7&keywords=The+Tarner+Lectures | Dilemmas: The Tarner Lectures 1953 by Ryle, Gilbert published by Cambridge University Press (1954)
- ↑ http://www.amazon.co.uk/Lectures-Delivered-Trinity-College-Cambridge/dp/B0026QVTS8 | Professor E. Schrödinger , The physical basis of consciousness
- ↑ http://www.amazon.co.uk/Assumption-Physical-Theory-Tarner-lectures | Professor H. Bondi, Assumption and myth in physical theory
- ↑ http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=xXmYPgAACAAJ&dq=inauthor:%22Georg+Henrik+von+Wright%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=SeSNU4GBO8a0O8yXgbgJ&ved=0CGMQ6AEwCw| Georg Henrik von Wright, Time, Change and Contradiction: Delivered at Cambridge Univ. 1. Nov. 1968
- ↑ http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=-YsWNfTXU7oC&dq=inauthor:%22Edward+O.+Wilson%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=VOKNU-utAonuOYjzgZAB&ved=0CMUBEOgBMBo | Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge
- ↑ Dyson, F. (1999). The Origins of Life. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- ↑ http://www.wolfson.cam.ac.uk/people/professor-michael-redhead | Professor M. Redhead Wolfson College Page
- ↑ http://www.amazon.co.uk/Physics-Metaphysics-Tarner-Lectures/ | Professor M. Redhead, From physics to metaphysics
- ↑ http://books.google.co.uk/books/about/Bursting_the_Limits_of_Time.html?id=6gRv7Zx6wHQC | M. J. S. Rudwick, Bursting the Limits of Time: The Reconstruction of Geohistory in the Age of Revolution
- ↑ http://www.uu.nl/SiteCollectionDocuments/GW/GW_Descartes_Centre/Objectivity_Galison.pdf | Lorraine Daston and Peter Galison: Objectivity
- ↑ http://sms.cam.ac.uk/collection/741056 | Professor S. Schaffer, When the stars threw down their spears: Histories of Astronomy and Empire
- ↑ http://www.sms.cam.ac.uk/collection/1327676 | Prof. Sir Geoffrey Lloyd, The ideals of inquiry: an ancient history