Tamil television soap opera

Soap operas are a popular genre of Tamil television. They are usually shown Day Time on Tamil television channels and start at 11:00 to 15:30, Eary Fringe start at 18:00 to 19:30 and every night at primetime start at 20:00 to 23:00. A series will run for about three Four years. It may air Five or Six episodes a week, the pattern usually being Monday–Friday or Monday–Saturday.

A channel will air five to sixteen soap operas simultaneously at any given time. Because they attract the most viewers, each channel competes for the most popular stars.

International broadcasts

Tamil TV soap operas are popular overseas in countries such as India, Sri Lanka, Singapore and Malaysia. also broadcast in Asia, Africa, Europe and America. The popularity of Tamil TV soap operas in India, European and the US markets is on the rise.

Tamil soap operas are aired by dubbed into Telugu, Malayalam and Sinhala Language. In Singapore and Malaysia aired by English Subtitle and Sri Lanka aired by Sinhala Subtitle.


TamilDramas have tended to have a Family focus, Ramatic dramas, horror, comedic, Historical and Devotion dramas.

Family Drama

Comedy drama

Ramatic drama

horror drama

Historical drama

Devotion drama