Tamar Ish-Shalom

Tamar Ish-Shalom (Hebrew: תמר איש-שלום; born in 6 January 1981) is a journalist, announcer, the wife of the Israeli television and radio. Currently serves the main news program for Hadashot 10.[1]


Ish-Shalom was born, raised and educated in a vineyard in Jerusalem. Her mother is Dr. Biochemistry and university professor, and her father a senior manager at the Ministry of Industry and Trade. As a child, she lived a man of peace in the United States as part of her father's mission for about three years.

Started as a reporter even as a child, as a presenter and reporter for Children and Youth. It was the first channel, among other programs, "Zap First" and Ping Pong ", and Channel 2, in the" reconciliation ".

In her youth participated in the "shades" to promote Jewish pluralism in Israel, as well as Young Leadership Program Israel-German Bertelsmann Foundation.

Entered the army in 1999, and her military service made a police reporter for Army Radio, where among other events covered during the Second Intifada. Even after her release from military service in 2001, continued to work on Army Radio civilian employee until 2004, during these years was used in part as a reporter Knesset, serving "24 - the day was", and editor of the station's morning logs.

In 2004 she began working at Israeli Channel 10, where access to the channel's morning show, while access to breaking news on television and radio. Among other things also served as a presenter-changing program "Rafi Reshef five".

In 2007, she left a peace Israeli Channel 10 in favor of a master's degree in London. At the same time the company was working for Channel 2 (Israel) News correspondent in Europe and as a reporter for special missions. Among other things Coverage of the terrorist attack in Mumbai, the earthquake in Italy, and the second Durban conference. During a press conference attended with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the United Nations, the Iranian president also responded to the question presented to him.

Upon her return to the UK, the new social integration and serving positions L"mhdort magazine articles Central News Channel 2".

In July 2008 the allies won the documentary conducted a series of articles on American Jewry for Channel 10.

In 2010, current affairs program has been filing it, "Studio Night", produced by "new company" for the franchise network. Also, the same year filed from time to time, in the "new company" plans "six with", "savings plan", "world order" and "mhdorh first. "

In March 2011 left a man of peace the Channel 2 (Israel) and Israeli Channel 10 in which the retirement of Miki Haimovich submission of the main news News 10 appointed serving edition. On June 13, 2011, the first edition. Initially access the alternate edition with Ya'akov Eilon.

In late April 2012, with the resignation of Ya'akov Eilon role serves edition, began a peace submit four times a week edition of five. The other day a week submitted his release Guy Zohar, Until That Tali Moreno replaced him in September 2013, with the start of broadcasts from Jerusalem edition

Education and personal life

Ish-Shalom BA in Psychology and Jewish philosophy at Tel Aviv University and an MA in theology from the University of King's College in London, it finished with flying colors. Married to a journalist and foreign news editor of Channel 10 (Israel) Nadav Eyal, and the couple has a daughter and a son. Lives with her family in Givatayim.

Read more

Amira Lam, Hello Jacob, added "seven days" Yediot Ahronot, pp 32–38, June 10, 2011. Amira Lam, you, Tamar, added "seven days" Yediot Ahronot, pp 42–48, November 29, 2013.

External links

Tamar man of peace", in the "personalities" Israeli creations documentation Ruta Kupfer, new for breakfast, the site of the country, March 19, 2007 Niv Shtendal, Tamar man of peace? Yes, it was she, City Mouse website, March 22, 2011 Final: Tamar Ish-Shalom will present its new main edition 10, the site nana10, April 13, 2011 Paz Hasdai, Magistrates Court: Tamar man of peace can be satisfied with its debut at the top 10 news site Walla !, June 14, 2011 Amira Lam, Tamar Ish-Shalom, "still weird for me to read to volunteer full name live" site Ynet, November 29, 2013 Orna Nenner, "often say to me on the street: You know you're a lot like Tamar man of peace?" Xnet site


External links