Takia Sheikhan

Takia Sheikhan

Takia Sheikhan is a village located in Union Council Ghari Phulgran,Tehsil Havelian,District Abbottabad and KPK province.

The majority of the population belongs to the Yousafzai Pashtun tribe. They have descended from Kabul and Qandhar.

General Info

Main profession of people is farming but some also do government jobs and business also. People run their own business also.

Political Views

There Is now awareness in the people.Before they supported N-League But now Mostly Population supports the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf, And they think Imran Khan Will takeout Pakistan From Crisis,


A large population of Takia Sheikhan speaks Hindko and Urdu, The Ancient talks In Pashto.


Takia Sheikhan's main public transport consist of auto rickshaws, modified Suzuki pickup vehicles, tongas, which can accommodate anywhere from 8 to 13 people at a time. Taxis and automobiles for hire are also available. Vans and buses are frequently used for connecting Takia Sheikhan to the surrounding cities and towns in the region.


There is a central mosque namely Jameah Ali-Ul-Murtaza Mosque.

Public Places

There is a chowk named "Yousafzai Chowk"


There is a higher secondary school for Boys and Two separate primary schools for girls and boys.


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