Taifa of Zaragoza

Taifa of Zaragoza

Taifa Kingdom of Zaragoza, c. 1080.
Capital Zaragoza
Languages Arabic, Mozarabic, Hebrew, Berber
Religion Islam, Roman Catholicism, Judaism
Government Monarchy
Historical era Middle Ages
 -  Downfall of Caliphate of Cordoba 1013
 -  Conquered by the Almoravids 1110
Currency Dirham and Dinar

The taifa of Zaragoza was an independent Muslim state in Moorish Al-Andalus, present day eastern Spain, which was established in 1018 as one of the taifa kingdoms, with its capital in Islamic Saraqusta (Zaragoza) city. Zaragoza's taifa emerged in the 11th century following the destruction of the Caliphate of Córdoba in the Moorish Iberian Peninsula.

During the first three decades of this period (1018–1038) the city was ruled by the Banu Tujibi. They were replaced by the Banu Hud, who had to deal with a complicated alliance with El Cid of Valencia and his Castilian Masters against the Almoravids who managed to bring the Taifas Emirates under their control. After the death of El Cid, his kingdom was conquered by the Almoravids, and by 1100 they had crossed the Ebro into Barbastro, which brought into direct contact with Aragon.

The Banu Hud stubbornly resisted the Almoravid dynasty and ruled until they were eventually defeated by the Almoravids in May 1110. The last sultan of the Banu Hud, Abd-al-Malik, and Imad ad-Dawla of Saraqusta, was forced to abandon the capital. Abd-al-Malik allied himself with the Christian Aragonese under Alfonso I of Aragon and from the time the Muslims of Saraqusta became military regulars within the Aragonese forces. They were known as Almogavars.

List of Emirs

Tujibid dynasty

Huddid dynasty

See also

External links