Tagonoura stable (2000)

Tagonoura stable (田子ノ浦部屋 Tagonoura-beya) was a stable of sumo wrestlers, part of the Dewanoumi ichimon or group of stables. It was established in February 2000 by former maegashira Kushimaumi, who branched off from Dewanoumi stable.[1] It was located in the Koto ward of Tokyo. In 2012 it had eight sumo wrestlers, the most senior of whom was Bulgarian Aoiyama Kosuke (Daniel Ivanov) who reached the rank of West Maegashira #7 in the January 2012 banzuke.

Following the death of Tagonoura Oyakata in February 2012 the stable was dissolved, with half the wrestlers going to Dewanoumi stable and the other half, including Aoiyama, going to Kasugano stable.

Tagonoura Oyakata

Wrestlers with top division experience


See also


External links