Tagea Brandt

Tagea Brandt was a danish feminist that fought for women's rights, and in wich honor is named Tagel Brandt Award.

Early years

Tagea Brandt was born in Rovsing in Copenghage in 1847 and grow up in a feminist family in a time were women did not heve the right to vote. Her mother and sister were also feminists.

Women's reading club

Tagea was a board member and secretary of Kvindelig Læseforening (Women's reading club) from 1877 until 1880.


Tagea get married with danish industrial Vilhelm Brand in 1881.


Tagea died in Odensein 1882, on year after she married with Vilhelm Brand.

Tagea Brandt travel schollarship

Tagea Brandt Rejselegat is a Danish award, which is awarded annually, on the 17 March,[1] which was his wife's birthday,[2] to women who have made a significance in either science, literature or art.[3] The grant is given without application. The scholarship was created and endowed by her husband, Vilhelm Brandt, in 1905 in honor of his wife, Tagea Brand.

See also

Tagea Brandt Rejselegat

Women in Denmark


  1. Litteraturpriser.dk Tagea Brandts Rejselegat
  2. "Tagea Brandt". Retrieved 18 December 2014.
  3. Denstoredanske.dk The Grand Danish Encyclopedia, Tagea Brandts Rejselegat (in Danish)