Tafsir al-Qurtubi

Part of the series on
Quranic exegesis
Most famous
Sunni tafsir
Shi'a tafsir
Mu'tazili tafsir
  • Al-Kashshaf
Ahmadi tafsir
Asbab al-nuzul

Tafsir al-Qurtubi (Arabic: تفسير القرطبي) is a preeminent classical works of Qur'an exegesis (Arabic: tafsir) in 12-volume by the famous classical scholar Al-Qurtubi[1] Tafsir al-Qurtubi is also known as Al-Jami'li-Ahkam or Al-Jami' li Ahkam al-Qur'an or Tafsir al-Jami' .[2][3]

The basic objective of this tafsir was to deduce juristic injunctions and rulings from the Quran yet, while doing so, al-Qurtubi has also provided the explanation of verses, research into difficult words, discussion of diacritical marks and elegance of style and composition. The book is in twelve volumes and has been published repeatedly.[1]


The Urdu translation of first volume is done by Dr. Ikram-ul- Haq Yaseen and the second volume is in pipeline. The first volume has been published by the Shari`ah Academy, at International Islamic University, Islamabad.

First and second part of Bengali translation have been published by Tawheed Publication from Bangladesh. It will be published in 23 volumes.

One volume has been translated into English and published by Dar al-Taqwa, London.[4]

See also
