Table of precedence for Barbados

The following is the Barbadian Table of Precedence.

  1. The Queen of Barbados (Elizabeth II)
  2. The Governor-General of Barbados (Elliott Belgrave)
  3. The Prime Minister (Freundel Stuart)
  4. The Chief Justice
  5. The Members of the Cabinet
    1. The Attorney-General, as the first minister to be sworn-in after the Prime Minister.
    2. Other cabinet ministers, their own order unknown.
  6. The former Governors-General (Clifford Husbands)
  7. The National Heroes
  8. The President of the Senate (KerryAnn Ifill)
  9. The Speaker of the House of Assembly (Michael A. Carrington)
  10. The Leader of the Opposition (Mia Mottley)
  11. The former Prime Ministers, and the former Chief Justices
  12. The Members of the Governor-General's Privy Council
  13. The Chairman of the Barbados Christian Council
  14. The Ambassadors and High Commissioners
  15. The Justices of the Court of Appeals, and the Judges of the High Court
  16. The Parliamentary Secretaries
  17. The Deputy President of the Senate
  18. The Deputy Speaker of the House of Assembly
  19. The Members of the Senate
  20. The Members of the House of Assembly
  21. The spouses of deceased dignitaries such as: Governors-General, Prime Ministers, and National Heroes
  22. The Chairmen of the Commissions established under the Constitution
  23. The Head of the Civil Service
  24. The Ombudsman, Director of Public Prosecutions, and Auditor General
  25. The Director of Finance and Economic Affairs, the Solicitor General, the Chief Parliamentary Counsel, the Permanent Secretaries, and the Governor of the Central Bank
  26. The Ambassadors/High Commission (Overseas)
  27. The Chief of Staff for the Barbados Defence Force, and the Commissioner of Police
  28. The Chancellor, University of the West Indies;
    1. The Chairman;
    2. The Cave Hill Campus Council, University of the West Indies;
    3. The Principal, Cave Hill Campus; and the Pro Vice Chancellor of the University of the West Indies.
  29. The former Ministers
  30. The Members of The Order of the Caribbean Community, and the Holders of Knighthoods
  31. The holders of the Companion of Honour of Barbados
  32. The holders of the Companions of the Order of St. Michael and St. George
  33. The Heads of the regional bodies with diplomatic status.
  34. The Related grades, and the Clerk of Parliament
  35. The Chargé d'affaires and Acting High Commissioners, Deputy High Commissioners, Counsellors in Embassies, High Commissions and Legations, Consul-General - Chefs de Poste
  36. The Consuls - Chefs de Posts
  37. The Members of the Commissions established under the Constitution
  38. The Chairmen of Statutory Boards
  39. The Heads of Government Departments, including the Chief Technical Officers of departments integrated in Ministries, The Chief Magistrate, and the Chief Executive Officers of Statutory Boards
  40. Honorary Consuls, Vice-Consuls in Embassies, and High Commissions and Legations

See also
