Table Table

Table Table
Industry Hospitality
Founded 2008
Headquarters Luton, England
Area served
United Kingdom
Products Food and Beverages
Parent Whitbread plc

Table Table is a brand of restaurants set up by Whitbread in 2008, the brand actually started in 2006 but was unnamed. The brand was created following a rethink of the former Whitbread brand Out & Out. The majority of Table Tables are converted Brewers Fayres. This was during a time where Brewers Fayre was in decline. Sites included "The Horse & Jockey" near Dunstable and "The Discovery Quay" in Dundee. Some sites had their pub name changed, 'The Old Forge' became 'The Carnon Inn' in Carnon Downs, Truro, Cornwall.


Most of the restaurants are located on the site of a Premier Inn.

There are currently over 110 Table Table sites in the UK in locations such as the Border Gate near Carlisle, the Lockers Quay in Plymouth, Plymouth, The French Connection in Ashford, Kent, the Horse and Jockey in Dunstable to the Carnon Inn near Truro, Cornwall. Whitbread invested £1.15 million in marketing after spending in excess of £40 million in refurbishments. Research over a two-year period found their customers wanted nicer environments, their own space and atmosphere, contemporary dining and a menu with a twist.


The menu features traditional dishes (similar to those found at Brewers Fayre) with a modern twist. The offer two main meals for £11 is available during weekdays


The expansion of Table Table as with Taybarns slowed during the recession of 2009/10 as the company sought to consolidate its position. Since April 2010 the company began expanding the Table Table brand further as it continued to enjoy the success of most profitable restaurant brand based on a number of sites. Although making one of the smallest profit for Whitbread Table Table was on average the second best performing throughout 2009 based on a site average following Taybarns.

The conversion of Brewers Fayres to Table Tables has now come to an end following a successful relaunch of the Brewers Fayre brand and both brands are now expanding in their own markets. All new Table Table restaurants are new build alongside new Premier Inns

The Table Table concept is to be continuously fresh with seasonal specials offered and changed on a daily basis.

Future and trials

In 2010 following feedback from guests the brand trialled sourcing from the local area of each individual restaurant. The trial consisted of locally sourced fish being sold as specials. The trial was met with mixed reviews especially in Cornwall where majority of guests were more interested in seeing local speciality dishes being added to/offered as an option on the menu, such as Cornish clotted cream. Despite this the trial was somewhat successful and more trials are being planned for in the future.

The chain has taken a different approach from other Whitbread brands as it focuses on being a local business rather than a national business. To date Table Table has not advertised itself nationally or locally as Table Table but uses each individual restaurant name instead as they look to become 'The Best Pub/Restaurant in Town', This has been met by positive and negative reaction as guests enjoy the restaurants being locally named and individual but question the menu which is currently universal across all Table Tables.

Despite the popularity of the brand, during summer/autumn 2012, a number of Table Table pubs have been converted back to Brewers Fayre such as the The Brampton Hut and Howgate.

Whitbread Inn

From 2014 a number of failing Table Table pub restaurants, including the Hobbs Boat in Weston are being converted to a new brand called Whitbread Inn, harping back to the companies past.

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