TP model transformation in control theory

Baranyi and Yam proposed the TP model transformation [1][2][3] as a new concept in quasi-LPV (qLPV) based control, which plays a central role in the highly desirable bridging between identification and polytopic systems theories. It is uniquely effective in manipulating the convex hull of polytopic forms, and, hence, has revealed and proved the fact that convex hull manipulation is a necessary and crucial step in achieving optimal solutions and decreasing conservativeness in modern linear matrix inequality based control theory. Thus, although it is a transformation in a mathematical sense, it has established a conceptually new direction in control theory and has laid the ground for further new approaches towards optimality.

For details please visit: TP model transformation

Key features for control analysis and design

Related definitions

Linear Parameter-Varying (LPV) state-space model

  {{\mathbf{{\dot{x}}}}}(t) \\
  {\mathbf{x}}(t) \\

with input {\mathbf{u}}(t), output {\mathbf{y}}(t) and state vector {\mathbf{x}}(t). The system matrix  {\mathbf{S}}({\mathbf{p}}(t))\in\R^{L_1\times L_2} is a parameter-varying object, where {\mathbf{p}}(t)\in\Omega is a time varying N-dimensional parameter vector which is an element of closed hypercube \Omega=
[a_1,b_1]\times[a_2,b_2]\times\cdots\times[a_N,b_N]\subset\R^N. As a matter of fact, further parameter dependent channels can be inserted to {\mathbf{S}}({\mathbf{p}}(t)) that represent various control performance requirements.

quasi Linear Parameter-Varying (qLPV) state-space model

{\mathbf{p}}(t) in the above LPV model can also include some elements of the state vector {\mathbf{x}}(t), and, hence this model belongs to the class of non-linear systems, and is also referred to as a quasi LPV (qLPV) model.

TP type polytopic Linear Parameter-Varying (LPV) state-space model

  {{\mathbf{{\dot{x}}}}}(t) \\
  {\mathbf{x}}(t) \\

with input {\mathbf{u}}(t), output {\mathbf{y}}(t) and state vector {\mathbf{x}}(t). The system matrix  {\mathbf{S}}({\mathbf{p}}(t))=\mathcal{S}\boxtimes_{n=1}^N\mathbf{w}(p_n(t)) \in\R^{L_1\times L_2} is a parameter-varying object, where {\mathbf{p}}(t)\in\Omega is a time varying N-dimensional parameter vector which is an element of closed hypercube \Omega=
[a_1,b_1]\times[a_2,b_2]\times\cdots\times[a_N,b_N]\subset\R^N, and the weighting functions w_{n,i_n}(p_n(t))\in [0,1] are the elements of vector \mathbf{w}_n(p_n(t)). Core tensor contains elements  \mathbf{S}_{i_1,i_2,\ldots,i_N} which are the vertexes of the system. As a matter of fact, further parameter dependent channels can be inserted to {\mathbf{S}}({\mathbf{p}}(t)) that represent various control performance requirements. Here

 \forall n : \sum_{i_n=1}^{I_n} w_{n,i_n}(p_n(t)) = 1. and w_{n,i_n}(p_n(t)) \in [0,1] .

This means that  \mathbf{S}({\mathbf{p}}(t)) is within the vertexes  \mathbf{S}_{i_1,i_2,\ldots,i_N} of the system (within the convex hull defined by the vertexes) for all  \mathbf{p}(t) \in \Omega . Note that the TP type polytopic model can always be given in the form

 \mathbf{S}(\mathbf{p}(t))=\sum_{r=1}^R \mathbf{S}_r w_r(\mathbf{p}(t)),

where the vertexes are the same as in the TP type polytopic form and the multi variable weighting functions are the product of the one variable weighting functions according to the TP type polytopic form, and r is the linear index equivalent of the multi-linear indexing  i_1,i_2, \ldots i_N .

TP model transformation for qLPV models

Assume a given qLPV model  \mathbf{S}(\mathbf{p}(t)) , where \mathbf{p}(t)\in \Omega \subset R^N, whose TP polytopic structure may be unknown (e.g. it is given by neural networks). The TP model transformation determines its TP polytopic structure as

\mathbf{S}(\mathbf{p}(t))=\mathcal{S}\boxtimes_{n=1}^N\mathbf{w}_n(p_n(t)) ,

namely it generates core tensor \mathcal{S} and weighting functions of  \mathbf{w}_n(p_n(t)) for all  n=1 \ldots N . Its free MATLAB implementation is downloadable at or at MATLAB Central .

If the given model does not have (finite element) TP polytopic structure, then the TP model transformation determines its approximation:

\mathbf{S}(\mathbf{p}(t)) \approx \mathcal{S}\boxtimes_{n=1}^N\mathbf{w}_n(p_n(t)),

where trade-off is offered by the TP model transformation between complexity (number of vertexes stored in the core tensor or the number of weighting functions) and the approximation accuracy.[4] The TP model can be generated according to various constrains. Typical TP models generated by the TP model transformation are:

TP model based control design

Key methodology

Since the TP type polytopic model is a subset of the polytopic model representations, the analysis and design methodologies developed for polytopic representations are applicable for the TP type polytopic models as well. One typical way is to search the nonlinear controller in the form:

u=-\mathbf{F}(\mathbf{p}(t))\mathbf{x}(t)=-\sum_{r=1}^R F_r w_r(\mathbf{p}(t))\mathbf{x}(t),

where the vertexes \mathbf{F}_r of the controller is calculated from \mathbf{S}_r . Typically, the vertexes \mathbf{S}_r are substituted into Linear Matrix Inequalities in order to determine \mathbf{F}_r .

In TP type polytopic form the controller is:


where the vertexes \mathbf{F}_{i_1,i_2,\ldots,i_N} stored in the core tensor \mathcal{F} are determined from the vertexes \mathbf{S}_{i_1,i_2,\ldots,i_N} stored in \mathcal{S} . Note that the polytopic observer or other components can be generated in similar way, such as these vertexes are also generated from \mathcal{S}.

Convex hull manipulation based optimization

The polytopic representation of a given qLPV model is not invariant. I.e. a given \mathbf{S}(\mathbf{p}(t)) has Z=\infty number of different representation as:


where z=1\ldots Z. In order to generate an optimal control of the given model \mathbf{S}(\mathbf{p}(t)) we apply, for instance LMIs. Thus, if we apply the selected LMIs to the above polytopic model we arrive at:


Since the LMIs realize a non-linear mapping between the vertexes in \mathcal{S} and \mathcal{F} we may find very different controllers for each z=1\ldots Z. This means that we have Z different number of "optimal" controllers to the same system \mathbf{S}(\mathbf{p}(t)). Thus, the question is: which one of the "optimal" controllers is really the optimal one. The TP model transformation let us to manipulate the weighting functions systematically that is equivalent to the manipulation of the vertexes. The geometrical meaning of this manipulation is the manipulation of the convex hull defined by the vertexes. We can easily demonstrate the following facts:


of a given model \mathbf{S}(\mathbf{p}(t)), then we can generate a controller as


then we solved the control problem of all systems k=1\ldots K=\infty that can be given by the same vertexes, but with different weighting functions as:




If one of these systems are very hardly controllable (or even uncontrollable) then we arrive at a very conservative solution (or unfeasible LMIs). Therefore we expect that during tightening the convex hull we exclude such problematic systems.

Properties of the TP model transformation in qLPV theories

  • the number of LTI components are minimized;
  • the weighting functions are one variable functions of the parameter vector in an orthonormed system for each parameter (singular functions);
  • the LTI components (vertex components) are also in orthogonal positions;
  • the LTI systems and the weighting functions are ordered according to the higher-order singular values of the parameter vector;
  • it has a unique form (except for some special cases);
  • introduces and defines the rank of the qLPV model by the dimensions of the parameter vector;


  1. P. Baranyi (April 2004). "TP model transformation as a way to LMI based controller design". IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics 51 (2): 387–400.
  2. P. Baranyi and D. Tikk and Y. Yam and R. J. Patton (2003). "From Differential Equations to PDC Controller Design via Numerical Transformation". Computers in Industry, Elsevier Science 51: 281–297.
  3. P. Baranyi, Y. Yam and P. Várlaki (2013). "Tensor Product model transformation in polytopic model-based control". Taylor&Francis, Boca Raton FL: 240. ISBN 978-1-43-981816-9.
  4. 4.0 4.1 D. Tikk, P.Baranyi, R. J. Patton (2007). "Approximation Properties of TP Model Forms and its Consequences to TPDC Design Framework". Asian Journal of Control 9 (3): 221–331. doi:10.1111/j.1934-6093.2007.tb00410.x.