TOET (psychedelic)

Chemical name Thiomescaline
Chemical formula C13H21NOS

TOET, or methylthio-ethyl-methoxyamphetamine, is a series of lesser-known psychedelic drugs and substituted amphetamines. 2-TOET and 5-TOET are the 2 and 5 methylthio analogs of DOET, respectively. They were first synthesized by Alexander Shulgin and written up in his book PiHKAL (Phenethylamines i Have Known And Loved). Very little is known about their dangers or toxicity.

TOET compounds

2-TOET, or 2-methylthio-4-ethyl-5-methoxyphenethylamine
5-TOET, or 5-methylthio-4-ethyl-2-methoxy-phenethylamine


Dosage: 65 mg or greater

Duration: unknown

Effects: few to none


Dosage: 12–25 mg

Duration: 8–24 hours

Effects: nystagmus, strong LSD-like visuals and hallucinations, eyes-closed imagery

See also

External links