TD postcode area

Postcode district boundaries: Bing

Galashiels postcode area
Postcode area TD
Postcode area name Galashiels
Post towns 17
Postcode districts 15
Postcode sectors 35
Postcodes (live) 4,468
Postcodes (total) 5,096
Statistics as at February 2012[1]

The TD postcode area, also known as the Galashiels postcode area,[2] is a group of postcode districts in Scotland and England around the River Tweed (from which the postcode letters derive) including Berwick-upon-Tweed, Cockburnspath, Coldstream, Cornhill-on-Tweed, Duns, Earlston, Eyemouth, Galashiels, Gordon, Hawick, Jedburgh, Kelso, Lauder, Melrose, Mindrum, Newcastleton, Selkirk.


The approximate coverage of the postcode districts:

Postcode district Post town Coverage Local authority area
TD1 GALASHIELS Galashiels, Blainslie, Clovenfords, Fountainhall, Stow, Tweedbank Scottish Borders Council
TD2 LAUDER Lauder, Oxton Scottish Borders Council
TD3 GORDON Scottish Borders Council
TD4 EARLSTON Scottish Borders Council
TD5 KELSO Scottish Borders Council
TD6 MELROSE Scottish Borders Council
TD7 SELKIRK Scottish Borders Council
TD8 JEDBURGH Jedburgh, Ancrum, Camptown, Crailing, Jed Valley, Nisbet, Oxnam Scottish Borders Council
TD9 HAWICK, NEWCASTLETON Hawick, Newcastleton, Bedrule, Bonchester Bridge, Chesters, Denholm, Kershopefoot, Newmill-on-Teviot, Roberton, Wilton Dean Scottish Borders Council, Carlisle City Council
TD10 DUNS Greenlaw Scottish Borders Council
TD11 DUNS Duns Scottish Borders Council
TD12 COLDSTREAM, CORNHILL-ON-TWEED, MINDRUM Scottish Borders Council, Northumberland County Council
TD13 COCKBURNSPATH East Lothian Council, Scottish Borders Council
TD14 EYEMOUTH Scottish Borders Council
TD15 BERWICK-UPON-TWEED Holy Island Northumberland County Council, Scottish Borders Council


TD postcode area map, showing postcode districts, post towns and neighbouring postcode areas. CA postcode area DG postcode area EH postcode area ML postcode area NE postcode area
TD postcode area map, showing postcode districts in red and post towns in grey text, with links to nearby CA, DG, EH, ML and NE postcode areas.

See also


  1. "ONS Postcode Directory Version Notes" (ZIP). National Statistics Postcode Products. Office for National Statistics. February 2012. Table 2. Retrieved 21 April 2012. Coordinates from mean of unit postcode points, "Code-Point Open". OS OpenData. Ordnance Survey. February 2012. Retrieved 21 April 2012.
  2. Royal Mail, Address Management Guide, (2004)