T3 Technion Technology Transfer

The Calatrava Obelisk at the heart of Technion City
Technion President Prof. Peretz Lavie (left), Nobel Laureate Prof. Dan Shechtman, and Prof. Wayne Kaplan, Dean of the Technion Department of Materials Engineering.

T3 Technion Technology Transfer (corporately styled T3 ~ Technion Technology Transfer) is the technology transfer unit of the Technion in Israel. The unit operates under the auspices of the Technion Research & Development Foundation.


The Technion Computer Science Faculty.

T3 is staffed by an 11-member team whose focus is to commercialize new ideas in science and technology from Technion in Israel, by finding investors and entrepreneurs to develop commercial applications. This includes licensing intellectual property and the establishment of start-up companies. The has been described as "the private sector's gateway to Technion innovation".[1]

As of 2011, 424 patents were granted to Technion innovations, with 845 patents pending. T3's partners include incubators, entrepreneurs, private investors, venture capitalists and angel groups. It also conducts strategic partnerships with multinational companies such as Microsoft, IBM, Intel, Philips, Johnson & Johnson, Coca Cola, and others.

The name T3 was taken to represent the three 'Ts' in Technion Technology Transfer, and to indicate that scientific breakthrough is taken to another dimension (cubed) when developed and applied as solutions in the real world.[2]

Since 2005, the unit has been managed by Benjamin Soffer, a lawyer who has served on the board of directors of companies including Genegraft, SLP Ltd, Regentis Biomaterials, EORD, Guide-X and Slender Medical. Soffer was special advisor to Israel's Chief Scientist at the Israeli Ministry of Industry and Trade.[3]

Commercialization strategies

T3's strategy is to escort Technion technologies from the initial point of discovery, through the process of development and licensing, to the formation of ventures with industry. Commercialization strategies are tailored to the requirements of each venture, in order to enhance the market value and performance of Technion discoveries and increase their success in the global marketplace.[4] This includes

Major developments


Rasagiline is a drug to treat Parkinson's disease discovered by [6] Prof. Moussa B.H. Youdim of Technion and John Finberg. It was developed in collaboration with Teva Pharmaceuticals Ltd, in Israel. Having won U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval, the drug is now marketed world-wide as AzilectTM.[7][8]

Start-ups formed with T3 patents

Examples of T3 patents


Entrepreneur in residence program

The unit runs an Entrepreneur In Residence program, in which global entrepreneurs are recruited and are given the chance to license new Technion technologies. The program normally requires a minimal amount of equity and the presentation of a business plan. As part of its effort to attract entrepreneurs, the group uses its network of venture capitalistss, Incubators, head-hunting firms and service providers.[19]


The Technion liaises with global professionals from various industries, in order to spread information about Technion innovations to potential partners.

Mentorship program

The Mentorship Program (based mainly on Technion alumni) T3 engages serial entrepreneurs as mentors to fledgling entrepreneurs/researchers. These mentors offer their experience, network and understanding of industry and provide insights as to the preferred commercialization route or application. The mentor is often engaged as a paid consultant supporting the commercialization efforts,

Investment opportunities fund

The Technion has secured an internal US$10 million fund called the Technion Investment Opportunities Fund. The fund invests in syndication with other investors and aims to preserve the equity stake in Technion related companies.

Internal applicable research funds

One of the biggest challenges in technology transfer is the gap between early research products, and the level of evidence investors need to support further research. The Technion's internal applicable research funds are aimed at bridging this gap by taking promising projects beyond the proof of concept stage.[20]


The Technion awards researchers, inventions, developments and publications from its scientists that have a profit potential. The goal of the award is to encourage entrepreneurship in research. The researchers are rated based on commercial applicability (such as potential market share), and technological maturity.[21]

The Technion network

The American Technion Society and global Technion societies have created an international network. Many members of Technion Societies are prominent leaders in their respective fields. T3 makes every use of this international source of expertise in the service of its on-going commercialization effort.[22]

Outside activities


The Technion has initiated a webinar program aimed at presenting Technion innovation to an audience of investors, industry leaders, entrepreneurs, corporate executives, in-licensing officers and service providers. The purpose of this program is to increase visibility and to assist in marketing and commercialization efforts.[23][24][25] Independently, T3 maintains an active presence in the social media on LinkedIN,[26] Facebook[27] and Twitter.[28]

MBA - global patent course

This program is the result of a combined effort by the Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship at the University of Maryland, T3 and Technion's MBA program. Within this initiative, MBA students (an equal amount of Israeli and American students from Maryland University and Harvard University), collaborate on a business plan aimed at commercializing patents and technologies developed by Technion researchers.[29] The course offers hands-on experience in commercialization and starting a company involving a real-life innovation. At the end of the course, students present their business plan to a group of seasoned venture capitalist and serial entrepreneurs.

Internal technology transfer seminars

The group conducts seminars and workshops to Technion faculty and graduate students dealing with different aspects of commercialization, e.g., patenting, entrepreneurship, finance, fund raising, licensing, company formation[30]

Professional conferences

The members of the team presents in national and international conferences related to commercialization, licensing, and technology transfer. These include the Israeli, European and US Biomed conferences,[31] AUTM conferences,[32] and Nanotechnology conferences.[33]


The Technion is the first university outside of the U.S. selected by Alfred E. Mann to be a part of his network of Alfred Mann Institutes (AMIs). The Alfred Mann Institute at the Technion (AMIT) was established with an endowment exceeding US$100 million.[34] Among the patents developed by AMIT is the electronic nose to sniff out cancer, invented by Hossam Haick [35]


  1. Washington Israel Business Council - http://www.wa-israel.biz/content.asp?contentid=31
  2. Taking Technology transfer to another dimension http://www.focus.technion.ac.il/Nov08/technologyTransferStory1.htm
  3. http://silicomventures.com/israel-08/speakers.htm
  4. Hi-Technion היטכניון: 2010 issue No. 4567 (Hebrew - print version.)
  5. T3 Website: http://t3.technion.ac.il/overview.php
  6. Prof. Moussa Youdim -- Neurodegenerative Disease Therapies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIW19gEfZpo
  7. http://www.springerlink.com/content/015346170nv77683/
  8. http://www.ittn.org.il/technology.php?cat=0&Technion&tech_id=CHM-1129_Technion
  9. http://www.ittn.org.il/technology.php?cat=0&Technion&tech_id=CHM-1129_Technion
  10. http://www.ittn.org.il/technology.php?cat=0&Technion&tech_id=COM-0696_Technion
  11. http://www.ittn.org.il/technology.php?cat=0&Technion&tech_id=MAE-0862_Technion
  12. http://www.ittn.org.il/technology.php?cat=0&Technion&tech_id=COM-1181_Technion
  13. http://t3.technion.ac.il/docs/T3-Big_ideas_Brochure_2011.pdf
  14. http://t3.technion.ac.il/docs/T3-Big_ideas_Brochure_2011.pdf
  15. http://t3.technion.ac.il/docs/T3-Big_ideas_Brochure_2011.pdf
  16. http://t3.technion.ac.il/docs/T3-Big_ideas_Brochure_2011.pdf
  17. http://t3.technion.ac.il/docs/T3-Big_ideas_Brochure_2011.pdf
  18. http://t3.technion.ac.il/enterpreneur.php
  19. Funding: Technion R&D Foundation: http://www.technion.ac.il/~research/all.htm
  20. Technion FOCUS Magazine, May 2005: www.focus.technion.ac.il/previousIssues/FocusMay05.pdf
  21. ATS Business Connection: http://www.ats.org/site/DocServer/logo_final_3LabtoMarketFINALAPPROVED091511.pdf?docID=784
  22. Innovative ultrasound webinar, 2010 - http://t3.technion.ac.il/newsletter/IUT/
  23. Remote sensing Webinar, 2006 - http://pard.technion.ac.il/archives/FOCUS/NewsItems/NewsBriefs2007/Webinar.html
  24. http://www.thewadi.com/non-invasive-cosmetic-surgical-technology-from-the-technion/
  25. http://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=3226500
  26. https://www.facebook.com/TechnionT3
  27. https://twitter.com/#!/techniont3
  28. Smith School of Business: http://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/news/stories/2010/DingmanIsrael.aspx
  29. From Research to Commercialization - a Technion Experience. http://workshop.ee.technion.ac.il/upload/Events/Technology%20Transfer/Soffer.pdf
  30. BioMed 2009 invitation: http://t3.technion.ac.il/docs/BioMed2009.pdf
  31. AUTM upcoming events - http://www.autm.net/Upcoming_Events.htm
  32. http://www2.kenes.com/nano/pages/home.aspx
  33. The Alfred Mann Institutes http://www.mannfbe.org/foundations/ami-technion.htm
  34. Prof. Hossam Haick

External links