Tönissteiner Kreis e.V.

The Tönissteiner Kreis e.V. is a non-party, non-profit network of decision makers in science, public administration, business, trade associations and politics. It aims at the political dialogue and the promotion of a young generation for international affairs. It is the best known circle of this type in Germany.

This common good is pursued by supporting highly qualified junior staff in their preparation for international tasks and by using the network of the Tönissteiner Kreis for the promotion of a higher degree of internationality in education, training and human resources management. Among others, and inspired by their partnership with Conference Olivaint, they encouraged the foundation of the Studentenforum im Tönissteiner Kreis e.V. as an attached, but independent student think tank in 1999. The studentforum im Tönissteuner Kreis is a member of the Politeia Community together with amongst others Conference Olivaint and Olivaint Conference of Belgium.


The Kreis was established in 1958 by the central business associations and the „Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft“ (Foundation Union for Science in Germany) in co-operation with the federal government. Its primal task was the preparation of top management trainees for their work in international organisations and thus the promotion of Germany’s return to the international community. Necessary conditions for candidates to become a member include having an academic degree with high qualifications and being fluent in German and two other languages.

Today, the 700 members hold internationally oriented positions in governmental departments, international organisations, the EU, in business and the liberal professions as well as in research and education. Alongside their professional work, they are honorary mentors for internationally oriented top management trainees and their political dialogue contributes to a higher degree of internationality in Germany.

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