
SystemStarter is a system program in Mac OS X, started by Mac OS X's BSD-style init prior to Mac OS X v10.4 and by launchd in Mac OS X v10.4 and later releases, that starts system processes specified by a set of property lists.[1] SystemStarter was originally written by Wilfredo Sanchez for Mac OS X.[2] In Mac OS X v10.4, it was deprecated in favor of launchd, and kept in the system only to start system processes not yet converted to use launchd.


  1. Apple Computer (April 12, 2002). "Manual Page for SystemStarter". BSD System Manager's Manual. Apple Computer. Retrieved 2006-12-23.
  2. Wilfredo Sanchez (May 28, 2001). "WWDC round-up". Clever Name TBD. Retrieved 2006-12-23.

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