Syed Muhammad Kaswar Gardezi

Syed Muhammad Kaswar Gardezi
Born September 6, 1922
Died September 11, 1993 (age 71)
Era 20th century
Region Multan
Main interests
Nationalism, Politics, History, and Pakistan

Syed Muhammad Kaswar Gardezi (born 11 September 1922) belonged to a known feudal “Gardezi Family” Descendent of Shah Gardez of Multan in Pakistan.

He began his career as a businessman after completion of his education and established a trade body which was later known as Multan Chambers of Commerce & Industry. He became the founding President of the trade body until he got interested in progressive politics after his association with Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, G. M. Syed, Mian Iftikharuddin, and Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani. These people formed a progressive political pressure group which emerged during the colonial rule of the former British India but later formed their own association after independence in 1947. These progressive movements in Pakistan along with nationalist forces in Balochistan and other areas gradually grew stronger. In West Pakistan these movements rallied with National Party (Pakistan) which had strong association with Sindh Awami Mahaz of Ghulam M. Sayed. Later a merger with organizations from East Pakistan led to the formation of the National Awami Party (NAP) in 1957 which provided a progressive alternative to the ruling Muslim League. The NAP aimed at reforms and disassociation from Baghdad Pact, SEATO, CENTO and all other alliance with the United States and western imperialism and towed a non-aligned policy for the country. NAP was banned after the coup d'état of Ayub Khan in 1958 but resumed its activity after its leadership was released from jails and constitution of Basic Democracy was enforced by Ayub in 1960s. The party was revived. After the elections of 1970 the NAP formed popularly elected governments in Baluchistan and NWFP (Now Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa) provinces. In 1975 the Bhutto government banned the NAP, arrested its leaders and subjected them to a sedition trial in a special tribunal. Later the progressive culture of politics in Pakistan was distorted as Bhutto, a strange mix of new ideology Bhuttoism which he thought could emancipate the common man on the street merely by progressive manifesto of Roti, Kapra aur Makan through feudal, bureaucrats help split the entire left and progressive movements into splinters. Syed Muhammad Kaswar Gardezi later joined National Democratic Party (Pakistan) NDP with Sherbaz Khan Mazari as its head as soon as the political icons jailed under Hyderabad Conspiracy during Hyderabad tribunal by Bhuttos Peoples Party were released. Syed Muhammad Kaswar Gardezi was amongst the leaders held in Hyderabad Jail. Due to differences, NDP fragmented and Pakistan National Party PNP headed by Mir Ghaus Bakhsh Bizenjo came into existence. Syed Muhammad Kaswar Gardezi remained secretary general of PNP till his death on September 6, 1993.


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