Sydney Grimlett

Sydney Grimlett is an "Alabama Ghost", from the popular book series by Kathryn Tucker Windham. He is claimed to have originally haunted the Auburn University Chapel, but now is said to occupy the Telfair Peet Theatre on the Auburn University campus in Auburn, Alabama.


According to legend, Grimlett is a British soldier fighting for the Confederate side of the Civil War. In 1864, he was injured during battle by shrapnel from a cannon. In attempt to get rid of his gangrenous leg, they tried to amputate it, but he bled to death during the surgery. He then was buried in Pine Hill Cemetery.

The legend

In the 1920s, when a theater group named the Auburn Players took over the chapel reports of hauntings began. Several separate members of the theater group reported seeing the ghost on separate occasions. This spurred interest on finding out who he was so they contacted him through a Ouija board to find out its identity. They reported seeing other manifestations, such as floating orb lights, moving props, whistling in the attic when no one was up there, and the sound of a foot tapping.

One of Auburn Theatre's traditions during stage productions was to blame the ghost for things that go wrong during performances. Sacrifices of Reese's Pieces were made to Sydney on the opening night of every performance. However, in 2008 the theatre department "killed" Sydney by encouraging the students to take responsibility for their own successes and failures. Students no longer blame Sydney, but keep the legend alive to scare incoming freshmen.

See also

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