Swedish Pentecostal Movement

Swedish Pentecostal Movement

Classification Protestant
Orientation Pentecostalism
Headquarters Sweden
Origin 1906

The Swedish Pentecostal Movement (Swedish: Pingströrelsen i Sverige) is a Protestant community consisting of 463 congregations (as of 31 December 2011)[1] which together make up the Swedish pentecostalism movement. The movement came to Sweden by 1906-1907. Pentecostalism is the largest non-Lutheran christian denomination in Sweden. Regular church attendance is higher among Swedish Pentecostals than Swedish Lutherans of the Church of Sweden despite the significant difference in the number of members.

The movement's amount of members reach to figures over 120,000 adherents, and in order to achieve membership, one must accept Jesus Christ as their lord and saviour through baptism. However, today, some local congregations are using other requirements, sometimes when a person who has been baptized as a child earlier, he is not required to get baptized once more, this time according to the Pentecostal way, in order to become a member.

If one was forced to pick a person who has been very significant for the movement in Sweden, it would be Lewi Pethrus, who may be considered a sort of father of the movement in the country with his influencing literature and views.


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