Sustainable Development Strategy in Canada

Sustainable Development Strategy for organizations in Canada [1] is about the Government of Canada finding ways to develop social, financial, and environmental resources that meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs in Canada. A Sustainable Development Strategy[2][3] for the organization needs to be developed that establishes the Sustainable Development goals and objectives set by the Auditor General Act of Canada and provides the written policies and procedures to achieve them.[4] Sustainable Development is based on responsible decision-making, which considers not only the economic benefits of development, but also the short-term and long-term, Canadian environment and environmental impacts.[5][6][7]


All Canadians have a role to play in advancing Sustainable Development, including all levels of government, business and industry, civil society, community groups and citizens.[8] The importance of developing a balance between economic growth, social well-being and the health of the environment is in the forefront of public opinion. Canadians realize that a healthy environment is imperative for our long-term economic, social well-being and quality of life. The organization must have the ability to adopt innovative environmental practices and reduce their ecological footprint. The organization must develop a sustainable future through various strategies, policies, programs, and operations. A key pillar of the organizations approach to Sustainable Development should be to establish a Sustainable Development Strategy. This strategy is an important tool to help guide the organization in systematically integrating the principles of Sustainable Development into their policies, programs, legislation and operations.

Auditor General Act

In 1995, the Auditor General Act[9] was amended to encourage stronger Sustainable Development performance by the Federal Government of Canada.[10]

Mission statement

Main article: Strategic planning

Sustainable Development is a key goal for public policy in Canada and should be made the foundation of the organizations approach to environmental management. This understanding should be reflected in the creation of a Mission Statement for the organization, which outlines its commitment to making Sustainable Development a reality in Canada.[11]

Environmental Management System (EMS)

The organization should implement an Environmental Management System (EMS). This systematic approach to dealing with the environmental aspects of an organization is a 'tool' that enables an organization to control the impact of its activities, products and services on the natural environment. The ISO 14001 standard "Environmental management systems--Specification with guidance for use" is the standard within the ISO 14000 series that specifies the requirements of an EMS.[12][13][14]

Environmental Management System Manual (EMSM)

The creation of an Environmental Management System Manual (EMSM) [15] is to provide the framework for the organization's EMS. It should identify the elements and procedures for all staff, relating to environmental management.

Environmental Management System Documentation

The organization should establish and maintain information in paper or electronic form, to describe the core elements of the management system and their interaction and provide direction to related documentation.

Environmental Management Program (EMP)

The organization requires an Environmental Management Program (EMP), which is developed for environmental aspects to map out the organization's course of action to reduce environmental impact and to turn words into actions. An EMP must describe how targets will be achieved; the performance measures used to report on progress; identify personnel responsible for achieving these targets; and establish time frames for achievement. Generally, an EMP lists what is to be done, how it is to be done, who is going to do it and how long it is going to take. At the end of every fiscal year, the EMPs are reported on and updated for the next year. The development of an EMP is the key to fulfilling the organization's Sustainable Development strategy for developing and implementing an ISO comparable EMS. This initiative should include integrating environmental best practices into projects, programmes and processes, and strengthening existing environmental practices.[16]

Commitment to Sustainable Development

The organization should focus on four key goals:

Environment policy

The organization should define the organization's environmental policy and ensure that it is appropriate to the nature, scale and environmental impacts of its activities, products and services. That it includes a commitment to continual improvement and prevention of pollution. Provides a commitment to comply with relevant environmental legislation and regulations and with other requirements to which the organization subscribes. Create a framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets. Documented audit trail that reflects implementation and maintenance of the policy and have it communicated to all employees with availability to the public.

Environmental aspects

The organization should establish and maintain procedures to identify the environmental aspects[20] of its activities, products and services that it can control and over which it can be expected to have an influence, in order to determine those, which have or can have significant impacts on the environment. The organization should ensure that the aspects related to these significant impacts are considered in setting its environmental objectives. The organization must keep this information up-to-date.[21]

Legal and other requirements

Main article: Environmental law

The organization should establish and maintain a procedure to identify and have access to legal and other requirements to which the organization subscribes, that are applicable to the environmental aspects of its activities, products or services and the relevant Acts.[22]

Environmental objectives and targets

The organization should establish and maintain documented environmental objectives and targets, at each relevant function and level within the organization. When establishing and reviewing its objectives, the organization must consider the legal and other requirements, its significant environmental aspects, its technological options and its financial, operational and business requirements and views of interested parties. The objectives and targets should be consistent with the environmental policy, including the commitment to prevent pollution.[23][24][25][26]

Organizational structure and responsibility

Main article: Organizational chart

The roles, responsibility and authorities should be defined, documented and communicated in order to facilitate effective environmental management. The organization should provide resources essential to the implementation and control of the EMS. Resources available should include human resources with specialized skills, technology and financial resources. The organizations top management should appoint specific management representatives who, irrespective of other responsibilities, have defined roles, responsibilities and authority for:


With regard to its environmental aspects and environmental management system, the organization should establish and maintain procedures for internal communication between the various levels and functions of the organization and the receiving, documenting and responding to relevant communication from external interested parties,.[27] The organization should consider processes for external communication on its significant environmental aspects and record its decisions.[28][29][30][31]

Document control

Documentation should be legible, dated and readily identifiable, maintained in an orderly manner and retained for a specified period. Procedures and responsibilities should be established and maintained concerning the creation and modification of the various types of documents. The organization should establish and maintain procedures for controlling all documents required for their Sustainable Development as follows:[32]

Operational control

Main article: Operations management

The organization should identify those operations and activities that are associated with the identified significant environmental aspects in line with its policy, objectives and targets. They should plan these activities, including maintenance, in order to ensure that they are carried out under specified conditions by:[33][34][35]

Emergency preparedness and response

Main article: Emergency management

The organization should establish and maintain procedures to identify the potential for and respond to environmental disasters, accidents and emergency situations and for preventing and mitigating the environmental impacts that may be associated with them. The organization should review and revise, where necessary, its emergency preparedness and response procedures, in particular, after the occurrence of accidents or emergency situations.[36][37]

Monitoring and measurement

The organization should establish and maintain documented procedures to monitor and measure, on a regular basis, the key characteristics of its operations and activities that can have a significant impact on the environment. This would entail a requirement to establish and maintain documented procedures for periodically evaluating compliance with relevant environmental legislation and regulations.

Non-conformance and corrective and preventive action

The organization needs to establish and maintain procedures for identifying responsibility and authority for handling and investigating non-conformance, taking action to mitigate any environmental impacts caused and for initiating and completing corrective and preventative action.[38]


Main article: Business record

Establish and maintain procedures for the identification, maintenance and dispositions of environmental records. These records should include training records and the results of audits and reviews.

Internal audit

The organization should establish and maintain programs and procedures for periodic EMS internal audits to be carried out, in order to determine whether or not the EMS functions according to policies and procedures and provide information on the results of audits to management. The internal audit program, including any schedule, should be based on the environmental importance of the activity concerned and the results of previous audits. In order to be comprehensive, the audit procedures should cover the audit scope, frequency, and methodologies, as well as the responsibilities and requirements for conducting audits and reporting results.[39]

Management review

Main article: Management review

Senior management should, at reasonable time intervals review the EMS, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. The management review process should ensure that the necessary information is collected to allow management to carry out this evaluation. This review should be documented. The management review should address the possible need for changes to policy, objectives and other elements of the environmental management system, in light of EMS audit results, changing circumstances and the commitments to continual improvement.

Human resources

Main article: Human resources

Sustainable human resources practices encourage working arrangements that support environmental objectives, the provision of environmental awareness into all training programs, and the promotion of environmental practices.[40]

Training, awareness and competence

There is a requirement to identify training needs. It should require that all personnel, whose work may create a significant impact upon the environment, have appropriate training. It should establish and maintain procedures to make its employees or members at each relevant function and level aware of:[41][42][43]

Personnel performing the tasks which can cause significant environmental impacts should be competent on the basis of appropriate education, training and/or experience.


Main article: Management

Managers need to be knowledgeable of Sustainable Development and the action plan commitments that encompass their office. Goal one should be a strategy to prepare managers to contribute to Sustainable Development. As the organization moves towards meeting commitments presented in this report, managers will be able to readily access resources to aid them. Integration of 'sustainable' thinking into existing management tools and processes and daily practices is an important component of Sustainable Development strategy. As a manager, they are responsible to enable their employees to contribute to Sustainable Development by providing them with information about the Sustainable Development and other resource information available to them. They should also be supporting employee initiatives to contribute to Sustainable Development, including actions such as recycling, green procurement of supplies, organizing 'green' meetings, and integrating Sustainable Development into their day-to-day activities.

Action plan

Main article: Waste minimisation

The average federal employee generates 190 kilograms of solid non-hazardous waster per year. 74% is paper, including fine paper, low grade paper, paper towels, newsprint, coated paper and cardboard.[44]

The 3Rs

To be effective, the organization has to incorporate waste minimisation with the waste hierarchy known as the 3Rs: (i) Reduce; (ii) Reuse; and (iii) Recycle into their daily routine.[45]

Main article: Waste minimisation

Reducing the amount of waste produced is by far the most effective way to battle the flow of garbage into the landfill. Reduce because what is not produced cannot pollute. Reducing consumption saves money and reduces pollution. There are many opportunities to reduce the amount of waste generated simply by changing individual habits and office procedures.

Main article: Reuse

Reuse means suitable to use again or for further use. It is the quality or state of being to be reusable. What cannot be reduced they should try to reuse. After a product or material has been used once, every effort should be made to reuse it. Products that can be reused should be favoured over those that are non-reusable.


Recycling is the process of returning to a previous stage of a cyclic process; converting waste into usable form; the ability to use again with little or no alteration. Once a product or its packaging has reached the end of its useful life and cannot be reused, it should be recycled. Recycling moderates demand for natural resources and it contributes positively to waste management by reducing the amount of wastes destined for landfill.[46]


Main article: Green computing

Computer equipment includes desktop personal computers (PCs), laptops, monitors and peripherals: i.e., cables, printers, scanners, keyboards and speakers. In 1998, nearly 50% of households in Canada had computers and that number is steadily increasing.[47] Due to technological innovations and market expansion of computer equipment and software, PCs are now becoming obsolete at increasing rates and are globally one of the fastest growing components of municipal waste streams. The average first life, the amount of time the PC is useful to its original owner, is now 24 years. In the year 2005, a PC's first life was decreased by another year. Considering reuse and storage options, the total lifespan, the period from manufacture to disposal, of a PC is estimated at 36 years.[48][49][50]

Some materials in computer equipment, such as heavy metals, including lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, cadmium and brominated flame-retardants are highly toxic to the environment, wildlife and human health if mismanaged.[51] InKind Canada donated 1092 used computers to charitable organizations in 1999 [52] and reBOOT Canada, a non-profit charity in Toronto, resold 3000 computers in 1999.[53] In addition, there is a program called "Computers for Schools" co-founded in 1993 by Industry Canada and the TelecomPioneers, refurbishes computers and related equipment donated by governments and businesses. These computers are distributed across Canada to schools, libraries and registered not-for-profit learning organizations.[54]

Between 70-90% of the material in scrap computer equipment, by weight, is potentially recyclable or reusable. For instance, materials such as steel, aluminum, copper, glass and some plastics, can be recovered. Obsolete computer equipment that is properly pre-treated: i.e., toxic components removed, and disassembled can promote the conservation of natural resources and prevent hazardous substances from entering the environment.


Greener procurement means choosing products and services that have less impact on the environment than their traditional counterparts. Greener procurement incorporates environmental considerations into decisions in addition to the conventional criteria of price and quality. In support of Sustainable Development the organization should develop and publish a 'Sustainable Development Procurement Guidelines and Procedures'. When it comes to purchasing products or services, referral to these guidelines would help make the organization become a leader in environmentally responsible purchasing.[55][56][57]

Considerations for Sustainable Development purchasing are policies and procedures that incorporate the 3Rs when determining purchases.

Bear in mind that while recycling is good, reduction is best. The ultimate green procurement is the avoidance of the purchase altogether. However, we recommend: Buy efficient products; Reduce packaging waste; Consolidate service contracts; and Overcome cost barriers.[58][59][60]

Identifying environmentally preferable products and services


The organization should encourage all business travelers to choose accommodations that are environmentally preferable. The PWGSC Accommodation and Car Rental Directory, includes two distinct environmental certification ratings to help make informed choices based not only on price and location but also on environmental ratings. The Directory displays the Green Leaf and Green Key ratings, which are attributed to establishments by Terra Choice Environmental Services Inc. or the Hotel Association Canada respectively.[66][67]

Rechargeable batteries

Main article: Rechargeable battery

Ongoing technological advances in rechargeable batteries and battery chargers, means most single-use alkaline batteries can largely be replaced with higher capacity, environmentally preferable, rechargeable Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries. Rechargeable batteries will outperform the best alkaline single-use batteries in high-drain appliances such as digital cameras. Rechargeable batteries may not last as long as alkaline batteries on a single charge in low drain (e.g. radio), medium drain (e.g. MD player), and pulse drain devices (e.g. photoflash); but NiMH batteries can be reused over several hundred times while alkaline batteries can be used only once. NiMH rechargeable batteries do not have what is commonly referred to as 'memory effect' so they can be recharged at any time. The main environmental concerns of batteries are the harmful materials they contain, such as Mercury (Hg),[68] Cadmium (Cd) and Lead (Pb). Batteries containing these materials need to be carefully disposed of to avoid the harmful effects on human health and environment. Canadians buy over 150 million batteries per year. It takes less energy to recharge a battery than to produce a new one. Using metal recovered from batteries consumes 75 percent less energy and 46 percent less energy than extracting it from primary sources.[69]

Fleet management

Main article: Green vehicle

The subject of sustainable transportation has several areas to review.[70][71][72][73]


Alternative fuel cars can save the organization significant funds, there are several different fuel types available.[74]

Operating a vehicle

Fuel efficient operation of vehicle.[75]


Ensure proper maintenance of vehicles.[77][78]

Energy conservation

Facilities that are energy efficient are important, besides being good for the environment, they keep workplaces healthy, boost productivity and save money. An energy-efficient design for a new building or an energy retrofit of an existing building can substantially reduce the building's operating costs. [79][80][81][82][83]

Water usage

Main article: Water conservation

Using water wisely will extend the life of our existing water supplies and their delivery systems, ultimately lowering water costs and the environmental burden of water usage. As a best practice, Health Canada recommends that water used for drinking and cooking be taken from the cold-water tap after the water has been 'run' until cold.[84][85][86][87][88][89]

Checklist for Using Water More Efficiently

By employing these simple suggestions and incorporating your own, will save substantial amounts of water, energy and money.

Paper initiatives

Main article: Paper recycling

A paper save program should be initiated. The program should involve supplying paper recycling receptacles and side-bins to participating office buildings for the separation and collection of office paper products as well as setting up a collection system for larger corrugated cardboard boxes. The collected paper and cardboard should be picked up, separated and weighed by the contracted recycling company and then sold on the recycled paper market. Revenues generated from the sale of the collected paper would cover the costs of the program and surplus funds are paid out to the program participants as rebates using a formula based on population information supplied by the Treasury Board Secretariat. The information would be collected from the PWGSC website, then tabulate and summarize the collection data for all organization buildings broken down to low-grade mix, cardboard and office ledger. At the end of the year a calculation of how many trees have been diverted from the pulp and paper mills using a Paper to Tree calculator should be used.[90] A 2nd Life Program should be developed in order to maximize the use of paper and decrease the organizations paper burden. This program would turn collected one-sided paper into notebooks and pads. This best practice and responsible stewardship initiative is simple, environmentally friendly and cost effective.[91]

Checklist most efficient use of paper

General office practices

Main article: Office of the future

The office of the future or paperless office has more become more achievable in modern times.

Checklist for general office practices

Checklist for meetings

For many organizations sustainable development is a goal that impacts on all of their activities. The checklist is designed to help meeting organizers plan and implement meetings that are as environmentally responsible as possible.[92]

Checklist exhibits and presentations

Checklist of food and beverages

Key success factors

The organization should take note of five 'key success factors' and attempt to contribute to them in some of the following ways:[93]

Public relations

Main article: Public relations

Sustainable Development makes for good public relations and international relations. The organization can help their clients and other stakeholders reduce the economic and environmental costs of doing business. Examples would be to increase electronic options and reducing the amount of paper which is consumed in transferring information from one source to another.[94]

Action plan



Achieving Sustainable Development will involve significant changes in the way the organization thinks about and implements policy and procedures. It will require long-term commitment and continuous effort. Organizations will need to continue to update their commitments every three years, in compliance with the amendments to the Auditor General Act.


  1. SDInfo - Sustainable Development Strategies: Evolution of the Federal Government of Canada Approach
  2. Greening Government - Greening the Federal House
  3. Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency - Sustainable Development Strategy 20042006
  4. Environment Canada - A Guide to a Green Government
  5. Brundtland Report
  6. SDInfo - Sustainable Development Information
  7. Sustaining the Environment and Resources for Canadians
  8. Environment Canada - What You Can Do
  9. Auditor General Act
  10. Office of the Auditor General - Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development
  11. SDInfo - Federal Department and Agency Strategies
  12. Greening Government - Environmental Management Systems
  13. TC207 - EMS
  14. Environment Canada – EMS Info
  15. SDInfo - A Guide to Green Government
  16. National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy - Final Report
  17. Environment and Resources - Land
  18. Environment and Resources - Air
  19. Environment and Resources - Water
  20. SDInfo - Science for Sustainable Development
  21. Federal House in Order - GHG Inventory
  22. Environment Canada - Environmental Law Enforcement Program
  23. Environment Canada - Environmental Assessment Program
  24. Environment and Resources - Indicators
  25. Auditor General of Canada - Developing Performance Measures for Sustainable Development Strategies
  26. Environment Canada - Pollution Prevention: A Federal Strategy for Action
  27. SDInfo - Canada's reports to the Commission on Sustainable Development
  28. Auditor General Act – Section 24
  29. Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment
  30. Environment Canada - State of the Environment Infobase
  31. Government of Canada - Sustainability Reporting Tool Kit
  32. TC207 - Documentation control
  33. Auditor General Act – Section 23
  34. SDInfo - Sustainable Development in Government Operations: A Coordinated Approach
  35. Environment Canada - Sustainable Development in Government Operations
  36. Environment Canada - Environmental Emergencies
  37. Health Canada - Emergencies and Disasters
  38. SDInfo - International conventions/protocols/agreements
  39. Canadian Environmental Auditing Association
  40. Greening Government - Green Human Resources
  41. Environment Canada - EMS Info - Environmental Awareness and Training Working Group
  42. Federal House in Order - Training and Awareness
  43. Canadian Centre for Pollution Prevention - Training
  44. Greening the Hill - Recycling
  45. Environment Canada - The 4 R's - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Recover
  46. Natural Resources Canada – Recycling in Canada
  47. Statistics Canada - Dwelling Characteristics and Household Equipment Report
  48. Environment Canada - Information Technology (IT) and Telecommunications (Telecom) Waste in Canada
  49. Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition
  50. Computer Take Back Campaign
  51. Schoolnet
  52. InKind Canada
  53. reBOOT Canada
  54. Computers for Schools
  55. Government of Canada – Procurement
  56. ISO standard for purchasers
  57. Federal House in Order - Green Procurement
  58. Treasury Board - Policy on Green Procurement
  59. PWGSC - Office of Greening Government Operations - Green Procurement
  60. SDInfo - Green Procurement
  61. Environment Canada - Life Cycle Management
  62. ISO standards for life cycle assessment
  63. Environmental Choice Program
  64. Natural Resources Canada - Energuide
  65. Natural Resources Canada - Energy Star Canada
  66. PWGSC - Accommodation and Car Rental Directory Preface
  67. Transportation Association of Canada - Sustainable Development Transportation
  68. Environment Canada - Mercury and the Environment
  69. The Recycling Council of Ontario
  70. Greening Government - Vehicle Fleet
  71. Federal House in Order - Fleet Management
  72. Natural Resources Canada - Transportation
  73. Environment Canada - Drive Green
  74. The Canadian Renewable Fuels Association - Green Fuels
  75. Natural Resources Canada - Fuel efficient driving
  76. Natural Resources Canada - Idling
  77. Environmental Choice Program - Automotive Products
  78. Natural Resources Canada - Vehicle maintenance
  79. Natural Resources Canada - The Federal Buildings Initiative (FBI)
  80. Natural Resources Canada - EnerGuide for Existing Buildings
  81. Natural Resources Canada - Energy and Sustainable Development: A Canadian Perspective
  82. Environment Canada - Environmental Aspects of Oil, Gas and Energy
  83. Environment Canada - Canadian Energy Consumption
  84. Greening Government - Water Conservation and Wastewater
  85. Health Canada – Water Quality
  86. Environment Canada - Water efficiency
  87. Canadian Water and Waste Water Association (CWWA)
  88. Environment Canada - A Water Conservation Plan for Federal Government Facilities
  89. Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Canadian Waters
  90. PWGSC - Paper Save Performance Reports by Building
  91. Environmental Choice Program - Paper Products
  92. Environment Canada - Greening Meetings
  93. SDInfo - What Is Sustainable Development
  94. Environment Canada - International Relations

External links

Canadian external links relating to the subject of Sustainable Development:

Canadian federal government

Canadian provincial and territorial governments

Canadian non-profit organizations