Surprise (animated film)
Surprise is a Pixar computer animated short created in 1991 by Pixar Animation Studios for Sesame Street. It starred Luxo Jr. from a previous Pixar short film.
Luxo the lamp begins examining at the box that moves and when the box opens, Luxo Jr. pops out. A male voice calls this "Surprise", to which Luxo Jr. nods his head eagerly to the camera and then to Luxo to express content. Luxo shakes his head in dismay.
- The film's length in total is no more than 20 seconds, making this one of Pixar's shortest animated films.
- It says on the description for the Sesame Street 40 Years DVD, "Surprise was based off an animated short film made by Pixar in 1986 called 'Luxo Jr.' which featured the original two characters, Luxo Jr. and Luxo Sr."
- The soundtrack in "Surprise" is the same as that used in "Luxo Jr."