Surabaya Shipbuilding State Polytechnic

Shipbuilding Institute of Polytechnic Surabaya (SHIPS)
Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya (PPNS)
Type State Polytechnic
Director Ir.Muhammad Mahfud,MMT, FRINA
Location Surabaya, Indonesia
Affiliations Paguyuban Politeknik Seluruh Indonesia

The historical development of Shipbuilding Institute of Polytechnic Surabaya or SHIPS (in Indonesian : Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya (PPNS)) can be traced back to 1987 when it was originally established as the Polytechnic under initiation of Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) for the purpose of establishing polytechnic in Surabaya. The institute was later elevated as an independent institute in 2012.

SHIPS as a state polytechnic has since expanded rapidly in terms of both facilities and academic services and has become one of the most comprehensive polytechnics, offering courses and also training in the field of shipbuilding and marine-related industries.

SHIPS has applied concepts in the effort to prepare 6 (six) standards of national competency for the students. A hallmark concept of “Link and Match” is a concept that facilitates effective learning implementation by creating curriculum which is connected and matched to the industrial needs. Another education pattern is “Teaching Factory”. It is a concept which adopts a practice and application-oriented training approach that combines the learning and working environment from which realistic and relevant learning experiences.

The polytechnic has long been maintaining its reputation for proactive relationships with industry and the public services. SHIPS offers great and challenging career prospects to its graduates. Many of SHIPS graduates are now occupying top positions in business, as well as public organizations.

Education Facilities

Students at SHIPS enjoy many benefits in addition to the excellent and diverse education facilities, such as:


1. Automatic Fire Extinguisher Laboratory 2. Ergonomic Laboratory 3. Workplace Measurement Laboratory 4. Chemistry Laboratory 5. First Aid Laboratory 6. CAD, CAM and Design Laboratory 7. Non Metal Workshop (trial pond, mold loft, wooden ship and fiberglass ship workshop, wood dry oven) 8. Construction laboratory (plat and profile bending, hydraulic cutting, plat, profile and pipe rolling,furnace, High Rigidity Axial Fid System CNC (3,3 m wide), CNC cutting, SMAW, GMAW and GTAW welding, NCP plasma cutting), Wire cutting (EDM), Injection Molding, etc. 9. Material Testing Laboratory (DT and NDT) 10. Basic Metal Workshop 11. Machining Workshop 12. Pneumatic and Hydraulic Laboratory 13. Internal Combustion Engine Laboratory 14. Marine Diesel Simulator Laboratory 15. External Combustion Engine Laboratory 16. luid and Cold storage system Laboratory 17. Instrumentation, Basic Electric and Physic Laboratory 18. Electronic, Control and Microprocessor Laboratory 19. Electric Machine Laboratory 20. Electrical Repair Laboratory 21. Power Electronics and Drive Laboratory


1. Classroom, Visual Room, Theater and Teleconference Room. 2. Library and Reading Room 3. English Laboratory 4. Internet and Computer Network 5. Pray Room (Mushola) 6. Music Room, 7. Sports Field (Volley, Futsal, Basketball, Wall Climbing)

Destination Education



Surabaya Shipbuilding State Polytechnic (PPNS) implement participatory management and to the cooperation with various companies and institutions, e.g. : PT PAL Indonesia, Companies based in Surabaya, Dikmenjur Dikdasmen DG, Ministry of National Affairs, PT INKA Madiun, Schlumberger, PT Freeport Indonesia, PT Komatsu Indonesia, PT Trakindo Utama, PT Esabindo Pratama, PT Pelindo III, Ministry of Manpower of Indonesia, East Java Manpower, American Bureau of Shipping, Bureau of Classification PT Indonesia, GTZ of Germany (1987–1998), PT Newmont, Bengkalis District Government, Local Government Lamongan

Department and Studies Program

  2.1 Study Program D3 of Marine Engineering
  2.2 Study Program D4 of Piping Engineering

2.3 Study Program D4 of Marine Engineering

  3.1 Study Program D3 of Ship Building Engineering
  3.2 Study Program D3 of Ship Design and Construction
  3.3 Study Program D4 of Design and Manufacture Engineering
  3.4 Study Program D4 of Welding Engineering 

3.5 Study Program D4 Design Construction Engineering

  4.1 Study Program D3  of Power Engineering
  4.2 Study Program D4 of Automation Engineering (Manufacturing)

4.3 Study Program D4 of Power Engineering


PPNS Graduates on D3 (Diploma III) Program will have a graduation entitled as: Ahli Madya ( A.Md. ) known with Associate's Degree as it has 3-years degree course and on D4 (Diploma IV) Program with 4-years degree course entitled : Sarjana Sains Terapan ( S.ST. ) known also as Bachelor of Applied Science B.ASc.


Polytechnic graduates are not only required by shipping companies in the maritime sector but also in various fields:

External links

Email : international[at] International Relation Section (IRS) Shipbuilding Institute of Polytechnic Surabaya (SHIPS) or Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya Jl. Teknik Kimia, Kampus ITS Keputih Surabaya 60111, INDONESIA