Superior lateral genicular artery

Superior lateral genicular artery

The femoral artery. (Lateral sup. genicular labeled at bottom left.)

Circumpatellar anastomosis. (Latter superior genicular labeled at upper left, second from top.)
Latin arteria superior lateralis genus
superficial branch, deep branch
Gray's p.633
TA A12.2.16.034
FMA 22585
Anatomical terminology

The lateral superior genicular artery is a branch of the popliteal artery that supplies a portion of the knee joint.


It passes above the lateral condyle of the femur, beneath the tendon of the Biceps femoris.


It divides into a superficial and a deep branch; the superficial branch supplies the vastus lateralis, and anastomoses with the descending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex and the lateral inferior genicular arteries; the deep branch supplies the lower part of the femur and knee-joint, and forms an anastomotic arch across the front of the bone with the highest genicular and the medial inferior genicular arteries.

Additional images

See also


This article incorporates text in the public domain from the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918)

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