Sungai Petani Municipal Council

Sungai Petani Municipal Council was established as the increase in population in Sungai Petani and growing districts of administration.

Origins of the establishment

The early history of the establishment of the Local Government system in Sungai Petani began in the 50's, when the Local Councils Ordinance, 1952 be approved and adopted. Then in 1953, the Municipal Board Sungai Petani (Sungai Petani Town Board) for the administration of the town area was established.

On August 1, 1975, Local Government District Council Kuala Muda (MDKT.KM) was established to cover the River Weeds, Jeniang, Merbok, Bukit Selambau, Bedong and Desert. On February 1, 1978, District Council of Science (MDKM) was created to replace MDKT.KM, the force of Law 124 of the Local Government (Temporary Provisions) Act which was gazetted in accordance with Section 3 of the Local Government Act 1976 (Act 171).

This involves the establishment of Local Authorities of the merged Town Board as follows: Manila Town Council Town Board of the Kuala Muda, Kota Kuala Muda, Golf Cattle, Semeling, wire and stabbed Tanjung Batu Local Council Weeds River, Jeniang, Merbok, Bukit Selambau, Bedong and Desert District Council of Science (MDKM) responsible for administering the whole area of Kuala Muda district in the planning, building control, health, development and licensing projects. Manila once again upgraded to Council on July 2, 1994 equal to 22 Muharram 1415H and this declaration was executed by the Honourable Tan Sri Dato 'Seri Haji Osman bin Haji Aroff, PSM, SSDK, DHMS, JMN, JP - Chief Minister of Kedah Darul Aman at the time.

With this upgrade, Sungai Petani Council (MPSPK) i responsible for the entire development control, licensing, planning, and provision of facilities and so forth for the advancement of urban development and prosperity of the urban population living in Manila and Kuala Muda in general.