Summits on the Air

The Summits on the Air logo

Summits On The Air (SOTA) is an amateur radio operating award program. Its aim is to encourage operation from mountainous locations. Licensed amateur radio operators combine mountain climbing with operating their radios from the summits of hills and mountains.

Activating Monte Zuccone in Italy on 2-meter band

Those who set up a station on a summit are known as activators and those who work, or contact, summit stations are known as chasers. Similarly, there are two types of award that can be received: One for the activator of the summit and one for the chaser (the operator in contact with the summit).

Points are awarded for operating from a summit or for working a station on a summit. The higher the mountain is, the more points the operator receives.

Lists of Registered summits

As of December 2014, over 67,000 summits have been registered and been given point values in the SOTA program.[1] These summits are to be found in the following countries or areas:

Europe/Middle East

United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Greece, Hungary, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, Poland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Sweden, Slovenia, Netherlands, Corsica, Macedonia, Luxembourg, Denmark, Malta, Romania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Ukraine, Spain, Sardinia, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Estonia, Lebanon and Serbia.[1]

North/South America

US callsign areas[2] 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and KH6 (Hawaii) of the USA; callsign areas VE1, VE2, VE6, VE7 and VE9 of Canada, Puerto Rico and the Falkland Islands.[1]


South Africa.[1]


South Korea, and the VK1, VK2, VK3, VK4, VK5, VK6, VK7, VK8 and VK9 callsign areas of Australia.[1]

Award Programs

Various Awards and Certificates are available to record achievements within the SOTA program:


The Summits on the Air amateur radio award programme was the idea of John Linford, G3WGV. Although he had the idea many years ago, it was not until he ran across the European Adventure Radio website run by Richard Newstead, G3CWI, that he put the idea down on paper. They collaborated over a period of nine months to launch the award. Many aspects of the original idea were refined (and often changed completely). One key factor that had to be clarified was the definition of a "summit". This problem was eventually solve when Richard ran across the Marilyns hill list issued by Alan Dawson. This list is based on the concept of Topographic_prominence which gave an objective basis for the SOTA award scheme.

Early drafts of the rules for the award were discussed and dissected on a public internet group. The award was forward-looking in using the internet as a platform and was one of the first amateur radio awards to be entirely online. The success of the award is in no small part due to the work done by Gary Bleads G0HJQ in developing the underlying database. Gary was one of several people who made significant contributions to getting the award started.

The award programme launched on 2 March 2002. England and Wales launched first, soon to be followed by the Isle of Man and Scotland.[1]

As of December 2014, SOTA has 100 active groups across the world with a database of over 67,000 qualifying summits.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 "Associations". Summits on the Air. Retrieved 29 December 2013.
  2. ARRL Regions Map (PDF 205kB)

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to SOTA.