Summer Bay

Summer Bay

Palm Beach, where Home and Away exterior shots are filmed
Home and Away location
Genre Soap opera
Type Fictional township
Notable locations Summer Bay Surf Life Saving Club
Pier Diner
Summer Bay High School
Summer Bay Caravan Park

Summer Bay is the fictional town featured in the Australian soap opera, Home and Away. Palm Beach, north of Sydney, is used for the show's exterior scenes in order to depict the Bay. Lane Cove River Tourist Park at Macquarie Park is the current (October 2010) location for filming of scenes involving the Summer Bay Caravan Park.

Locations within Summer Bay

Summer Bay Surf Life Saving Club

As with many real life Australian beaches Summer Bay has its own Surf and Lifesaving Centre (SLSC). It was first seen on screen in 1989. Over the years as well as serving its purpose as a centre for sea and land rescues it has been a place for the young people of the Bay to relax and socialise. Town meetings are often held in the Surf Club. It has also been used as a polling station and a private party/formal venue and has housed various food outlets, most notably the ill-fated Bonza Burger in 1998. Several characters have been trained as lifeguards over the years and surf competitions take place occasionally.

Current employees

Character Actor Duration
Darryl Braxton Steve Peacocke 2011
Kyle Braxton Nic Westaway 2013
Matt Page Alec Snow 2014

Current employees

Character Actor Duration
Alf Stewart Ray Meagher 2010
John Palmer Shane Withington 2010

Current employees

Character Actor Duration
Andy Barrett Tai Hara 2014

Pier Diner

The third and newest incarnation of the Diner (previously known as the Bayside and Beachside Diner respectively), currently owned by Leah Patterson-Baker and Irene Roberts.

Current employees

Character Actor Duration
Irene Roberts Lynne McGranger 1992–95, 2005
Roo Stewart Georgie Parker 2011
Marilyn Chambers Emily Symons 1989, 1992, 1995, 2011
Chris Harrington Johnny Ruffo 2013

The original diner was the Bayside Diner run by Bobby Simpson and Ailsa Stewart and later Ailsa's husband Alf. For a while this diner included a Beauty Salon set up in a back room, this was run by Marilyn Fisher. This Diner was given a makeover around 1997 when it was revealed a Bonza Burger outlet was being set up in Summer Bay.

In 2000, the kitchen of the Bayside was badly damaged by fire, due to Colleen Smart mistakenly pouring water onto the flames of a chip-pan fire, making it worse and instead of repairing the building Alf and Ailsa decided to relocate the diner to an existing building in front of the beach, subsequently the diner became known as The Beachside Diner. Prior to the original diner fire Alf and Ailsa's home had been destroyed by a landslide and fire, as the new diner had a flat attached upstairs this is where Alf and Ailsa lived. Alf continued to live here following Ailsa's death and the flat was home to many other Summer Bay residents when Alf moved to the Summer Bay House at the Caravan Park.

In 2004, Alf sold the diner to Irene Roberts and Leah Patterson-Baker and now continues to own and work there.

In 2008, the structure of The Beachside Diner became unsafe as result of aftershocks from the 1996 earthquake and the building was condemned. The Diner was relocated to its current location as The Pier Diner; originally this Diner was located in a room to the left of the Kitchen which was central to the building with a room to the right being used as a youth centre known as The Den, this was started by Leah as a tribute to her late husband Dan. As The Den struggled to survive financially Leah made a decision to close The Den with The Pier Diner then moving to the location of The Den. The room used for the original Pier Diner was then used only as an additional store room. Belle Taylor and Aden Jefferies previously worked at the Diner before Belle's death and Aden's departure. Roman Harris, who owned a third of the business also left the Bay to serve a prison sentence.

On Australia Day 2010 a riot took place outside the Diner, which resulted in the Diner being badly damaged by fire. The Diner was given a major makeover inside with there now being two sets of sliding glass doors leading onto a terraced area overlooking the pier and one set of sliding glass doors on the opposite wall reflecting the real life location of the Pier Diner. The kitchen is now located to the left of the building and toilets on the right with the dining area central to the building, scenes can be filmed facing all walls as it is a 4-walled set unlike the previous set.

In 2013, Leah decided to back scale her work as she begin employment at Summer Bay High School, she however does casual shifts sometimes and continues to own her half of the diner. Chris Harrington (Johnny Ruffo) unintentionally poisons some diners, as well as Alf and Leah, when he uses Death cap mushrooms in a risotto. Irene considers closing the diner permanently when there are no customers.

Summer Bay High School

The local co-ed high school for students aged 12–18. It is also used as a shelter in extreme weather conditions such as cyclones and has been the scene of a hostage situation. During Donald Fisher's reign as Principal, Adult Evening classes were often held. The school was rebuilt in 1996 following a major earthquake that occurred in Summer Bay that year. In 2011, a storm occurred and did a great deal of damage, rendering the building unsafe. The school was rebuilt at the start of the 2012 school year. Most of the younger characters attend the school, and many of the adult characters have worked there including:


Character Actor Job Duration
Zac MacGuire Charlie Clausen Society and culture, History and English teacher 2013
Leah Patterson-Baker Ada Nicodemou Counsellor 2013


Character Actor Year Duration
Matt Page Alec Snow Year 12 2013
Evelyn MacGuire Phillipa Northeast Year 12 2013
Oscar MacGuire Jake Speer Year 12 2013
Josh Barrett Jackson Gallagher Year 12 2013
VJ Patterson Matthew Little Year 11 2011
Jett James Will McDonald Year 11 2012


Other locations in Summer Bay

Indiana Evans, Mark Furze and the crew during filming

Current employees

Character Actor Duration
Alf Stewart Ray Meagher 1997-1999, 2008
Denny Miller Jessica Grace Smith 2014

Former locations


Summer Bay House

The House was originally owned by Alf Stewart, who lived there with his wife Martha and daughter, Roo. In 1985, Martha drowned in a boating accident and Alf and Roo remained in the house until 1988 when Alf sold the property and the Caravan park that came with it to Tom and Pippa Fletcher who had moved from the city with their foster children. The house became a foster home for various kids over the years. Tom died in 1990 and Pippa married Michael Ross a year later and he moved in. Michael drowned in a flood in 1996 and Pippa was widowed again.

Two years later Pippa decided to move with new partner, Ian Routledge to The Carrington Ranges and let Travis and Rebecca Nash take over the tenancy on the house and the care of the remaining foster children who opted to stay behind, Sam Marshall, Tiegan Brook and Justine Welles.

Sally Fletcher, Pippa's adoptive daughter felt like her home was not hers anymore and moved in with Jesse McGregor and Vinnie Patterson at Travis' house. Within a year, Travis and Rebecca moved to Canada, Sam had moved in with Donald Fisher and Tiegan had joined Pippa in the Carrington Ranges and the house was now occupied by Travis' brother, Joel and his wife Natalie and their children Tom and Gypsy. During the Nashes tenure they took in Peta Janossi and Rachel McGregor. They eventually bought the house and caravan park from Pippa along with Alf Stewart and Colleen Smart.

In 2000, The family had ultimately split up and Joel sold the house. The Sutherland Family had purchased it and lived there for four years. The family merged with the Hunters when Rhys Sutherland married local widow Beth Hunter. The marriage didn't last as Rhys went back to his ex-wife Shelley. Beth, not feeling comfortable in Rhys' home, elected to house swap with Flynn Saunders and Sally Fletcher, selling the adjoining Caravan Park as a separate entity. In 2005, It was revealed Pippa had purchased the Caravan Park from Tasha Andrews for Sally and Flynn and they took in local teenagers, Ric Dalby and Cassie Turner.

In 2006, Belle Taylor arrived in the Bay and secretly camped at the house with Ric, she moved out after she was caught. After Flynn's death in 2006, Alf moved back in. Sally left Summer Bay in 2008 and let her long-lost twin brother, Miles Copeland take over the running of the house and caravan park. Ric's girlfriend, Matilda Hunter, who had lived there previously with her family also moved back in. Jai Fernandez, an orphaned youth Miles had met in Phuket came to live with them.

After Ric and Matilda moved to Perth together, Kirsty Sutherland, Matilda's former stepsister and her son moved into the house. Nicole Franklin, moved in with Miles after her father Roman Harris left Summer Bay in June 2009. In September 2009 Jai's friend from when he lived in a foster home Romeo Smith came to stay and live in the Bay. In October 2009 Jai had left Summer Bay with Annie Campbell to go to Japan on a student exchange program. A week after Jai had left Kirsty and Ollie left Summer Bay with her mother Shelly after she had a miscarriage with her and Miles baby. The recurring character of Rabbit, who was Miles Copeland's dead daughter briefly stayed in the house in Early 2010, this went unnoticed by the others as Miles could only see her. Marilyn Chambers moved in when she returned to the Bay. Alf's daughter Roo (Georgie Parker) returned to Summer Bay in October 2010 moving into the house, after twenty years in New York City. Romeo moved out after marrying Indigo Walker and Miles left to join Sally in Phuket in late 2011. Roo and her husband foster Spencer Harrington (Andrew Morley) and Maddy Osborne (Kassandra Clementi). Sally and Pippa briefly stayed in the house in 2013, as did Josh Barrett (Jackson Gallagher). Harvey Ryan moved out of the house after separating from Roo in 2014, Spencer returned to the house after his break-up with Sasha Bezmel. Then left again in May 2014. Marilyn Chambers moved out in October 2014 after marrying John Palmer (Home and Away).

Current Residents

Character Actor Duration
Alf Stewart Ray Meagher 1962–1988, 2006
Roo Stewart Georgie Parker 1970–1988, 2010
Maddy Osborne Kassandra Clementi 2013

Past Residents:

Summer Bay Caravan Park

The Park, like the house, was owned by Alf. Following the death of his wife Martha, Alf let the condition of the park slide and eventually sold it to Tom and Pippa Fletcher who inherited full-time tenants Floss and Neville McPhee who lived in their circus caravan. Bobby Simpson lived in a caravan until moving into the house. Lance Smart also rented a van until he purchased a mobile home further up the park following a lottery win and was joined by Martin Dibble and they lived there for two years. They were joined by Marilyn Chambers for a while, but following their departures, she moved out. The home was rarely seen on screen for the next few years and when it was briefly shown in 1995 when Marilyn returned the steps had been removed. Lance's mother Colleen returned in 1997 in order to clean out the home for sale but stayed for the next fifteen years. In 2013, Casey Braxton stayed for a while after his break-up with his girlfriend, Tamara Kingsley. In 2014, Denny Miller stayed since she arrived to the Bay, but left in July and moved to the Farmhouse with her family.

Current Residents

Character Actor Duration
Martin Ashford George Mason 2014–
Katarina Chapman Pia Miller 2015–

Past Residents:

6 James Street

Current Residents

Character Actor Duration
Leah Patterson-Baker Ada Nicodemou 2000, 2001
VJ Patterson Matthew Little 2001
Zac MacGuire Charlie Clausen 2014
Matt Page Alec Snow 2014
Nate Cooper Kyle Pryor 2014

Past Residents:

31 Saxon Avenue

Character Actor Duration
Darryl Braxton Steve Peacocke 2011
Kyle Braxton Nic Westaway 2012
Ricky Sharpe Bonnie Sveen 2013
Phoebe Nicholson Isabella Giovinazzo 2014
Josh Barrett Jackson Gallagher 2014
Andy Barrett Tai Hara 2014

Past Residents:

33 Saxon Avenue

Character Actor Duration
John Palmer Shane Withington 2010
Jett James Will McDonald 2012
Marilyn Chambers Emily Symons 2014

Past Residents:

Beach House

This property located on Beach Road was previously owned by Ernie Jacobs, who rented it to Marilyn Chambers, Adam Cameron and Matt Wilson. Marilyn bought the property outright in 1991 and sold it to Greg and Bobby, following her departure. After Bobby's death, Greg put he house up for sale and Irene Roberts purchased it and remains living there. Originally the house had three bedrooms but a fourth was added.

Character Actor Duration
Irene Roberts Lynne McGranger 1994
Chris Harrington Johnny Ruffo 2013

Past Residents:

The Farmhouse

The Farmhouse address is 17 Ferry Road.

Character Actor Duration
Evelyn MacGuire Phillipa Northeast 2013
Oscar MacGuire Jake Speer 2013
Hannah Wilson Cassie Howarth 2013
Denny Miller Jessica Grace Smith 2014

Past Residents:

The Townhouse Apartment

Past Residents:

8 Ebbons Hill Road Mansion

Was owned by Amanda Vale after she inherited her late husband Graham Walters Estate. The mansion also features an outdoor pool. After Amanda leaves Summer Bay she rents it out to Jazz Curtis. It is burnt down by fire after Jazz lights a candle which falls down while she is sleeping. The damage is beyond repair.

Past residents:

Angelo's Old Apartment

Past Residents:

Liam's Old House

Past Residents:

The Field House

Past Residents:

Locations outside Summer Bay

Mangrove River

Mangrove River is a neighbouring suburb to Summer Bay, often mentioned in the earlier years of the programme. Its first mention came in 1989 when Tom Fletcher and Alf Stewart were hospitalised there after being lost at sea. Tug O'Neale lived there and attended school until Year 10 when he transferred to Summer Bay High. Vinnie Patterson originally lived in Mangrove River before coming to the Bay. Mangrove River began to be mentioned more frequently and has been started to become involved in many storylines including Nicole Franklin inviting some guests from suburb to a party and David "Gardy" Gardener coercing Roman Harris into a robbery on the Wharf. The River Boys, who were introduced in 2011, come from Mangrove River. Wilson's Beach is Mangrove River's main beach for surfing. Mangrove River High School was burnt down in October 2013 and its students were subsequently transferred to Summer Bay High.

Yabbie Creek

Yabbie Creek is Summer Bay's nearest neighbouring town where various characters either dine out, shop or take in movies.

Character Actor Rank Duration
Mike Emerson Cameron Stewart Senior Sergeant 2012
Katarina Chapman Pia Miller Constable 2015

Other towns


  1. "Episodes 5691-5695". Yahoo!7. March 2013. Retrieved 14 April 2013.